
Android Powered PCs And Laptops Coming Soon: Acer And HP?

Android Powered PCs And Laptops Coming Soon: Acer And HP?

Android, in my opinion, has been successful so far. With all the Android powered Smartphones, minus of course the Apple lovers, I can say I’m a fan of Android.

Android enabled phones have been feature rich, compatible with the rest of the world and have loads of tools and apps to make your life easier.

So how about a PC or a Laptop running on Android? No I’m not joking. It’s time for the Droid guys to make a splash in the PC market as well.

Google is presumably building an Android powered laptop to be launched in the late 2013. Or may be its a rumor; we don’t know yet.

However HP’s upcoming Slatebook X2 Android powered Notebook looks promising at around $480. If you are the one who heavily uses productivity apps and tools, you should not have a second thought in taking a leap to an Android powered laptop.

Acer is about to unveil an Android powered laptop sooner too! At the moment we are not very sure if Google will work to unify the Chrome OS with the Droid.

There are so many unanswered questions based on this news which is not yet officially announced or confirmed as of now!

The Android powered notebooks said to be developed by Google will supposedly feature touch screen support and other balanced features to make it appealing in terms of quality for the price.

The new PC that is rumored to be launched by Acer is said to splash the market with an Intel Core i5 Haswell CPU with 3GHz clock speed. Given that the Android OS is itself light, this configuration looks really promising.

But do remember that only very little is known about the specs and hence we can’t be very sure about what this promising gadget will bring up for the price of around $480. Let’s wait for the launch!

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