
Are there legal limits on how much mold you can have in your home?

Are there legal limits on how much mold you can have in your home?

There aren’t any set legal limits for maximum exposure, but there have been numerous cases of tenants suing their landlords for damages and health problems caused by the presence of “toxic mold” in the unit.

What happens if you live in a building with mold?

Across the country, tenants have won multimillion-dollar cases against landlords for significant health problems—such as rashes, chronic fatigue, nausea, cognitive losses, hemorrhaging, and asthma—allegedly caused by exposure to ” toxic molds ” in their building.

Can a property standards officer make a mold order?

Especially in rental units where there hasn’t been a history of mould problems a Property Standards Officer is going to be cautious about making “expensive” orders unless of course the reason for mold growth is obvious and apparent (i.e. something broken and needing repair).

What should a landlord do if there is mold in the House?

Mold Clauses in Leases. A smart landlord will try to prevent the conditions that lead to the growth of mold — and tenants should be the landlord’s partner in this effort. This approach requires maintaining the structural integrity of the property (the roof, plumbing, and windows), which is the landlord’s job.

There aren’t any set legal limits for maximum exposure, but there have been numerous cases of tenants suing their landlords for damages and health problems caused by the presence of “toxic mold” in the unit.

Mold Clauses in Leases. A smart landlord will try to prevent the conditions that lead to the growth of mold — and tenants should be the landlord’s partner in this effort. This approach requires maintaining the structural integrity of the property (the roof, plumbing, and windows), which is the landlord’s job.

Across the country, tenants have won multimillion-dollar cases against landlords for significant health problems—such as rashes, chronic fatigue, nausea, cognitive losses, hemorrhaging, and asthma—allegedly caused by exposure to ” toxic molds ” in their building.

How much is a mold lawsuit worth for a tenant?

How Much is a Mold Lawsuit Worth? Judgments and settlements awarded to tenants suffering from mold can vary but can be several thousands of dollars or even hundreds of thousands of dollars, depending upon whether the landlord was negligent and the severities of the health problems caused by mold.

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