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Can a landlord refuse Section 8 in New York State?

Can a landlord refuse Section 8 in New York State?

(WROC) — Under a new state law, landlords will no longer be able to discriminate against tenants based on their income source. From now on, landlords can’t refuse people who pay rent using Section 8 housing vouchers, veterans benefits, and other lawful sources of income.

Can you say you don’t accept Section 8?

California’s property managers, landlords and investors have to stop advertising whether or not they accept Section 8 applicants. You cannot discriminate against anyone with a housing voucher, which means you cannot express that you’d prefer Section 8 applicants didn’t apply.

What to do if you are accused of Section 8?

If you are a landlord being accused of Section 8 discrimination, or have failed your housing authority inspection, you should consult with a real estate lawyers immediately. The attorney can help determine if any defenses are available to you, as well as how best to proceed should you be facing a lawsuit.

Where does the money from Section 8 come from?

While the rent portion coming from the government is virtually guaranteed, many landlords fear that the tenants may be to poor to pay their share of the rent. The buildings that Section 8 recipients live in also must be approved by the local housing authority, thus bringing building inspectors along with Section 8 recipients.

Why are some landlords not accepting Section 8 vouchers?

Another reason why some landlords do not accept Section 8 vouchers is that, while the rent portion coming from the government is virtually guaranteed, the buildings that Section 8 recipients live in must be approved by the local housing authority.

How can I keep Section 8 in place?

The Circuit Court reviews the record of the Section 8 hearing and does not take new evidence. A decision is based on the record and written briefs submitted by the parties. You will need to file a motion for a temporary injunction to keep your Section 8 in place pending the Circuit Court review of the hearing decision.

How does the government pay for Section 8 housing?

In short, the government sends money to a local housing agency, who will then use it to pay the landlord. People who qualify for Section 8 vouchers are generally low income families who need the vouchers to supplement their income for housing. Section 8 recipients pay, on average, 30% of their portion of the rent.

Do you need a lawyer for your Section 8 case?

Section 8 may be available for those with criminal records, especially felony records, in some specific cases. The nature of the felony crime will be heavily considered. Do I Need a Lawyer for My Section 8 Problem?

Another reason why some landlords do not accept Section 8 vouchers is that, while the rent portion coming from the government is virtually guaranteed, the buildings that Section 8 recipients live in must be approved by the local housing authority.

What to do about Section 8 terminations and disputes?

I hope that when you read this, you see as I do, all the ways that we can work together to protect those who hold these vouchers, the tired, the poor, the wretched refuse, the huddled masses yearning to breathe free.

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