General Info

Can landlord refuse to add someone to lease NYC?

Can landlord refuse to add someone to lease NYC?

In a rent-stabilized apartment, the landlord is not required to add anyone to a lease except for a spouse. You may reach out to the landlord and ask for a family member to be added to the lease, but the landlord may refuse. No permission is required and it is not necessary for these people to be named on the lease.

Can a landlord restrict Guests NYC?

Landlords cannot unreasonably prohibit guests from entering the rental property or charge a fee for having guests over. However, you can put specific terms in your lease that relate to tenants’ guests and their rights.

If you want to add the name of your roommate to your lease, you both can make this request of the landlord, but the landlord may refuse. There is nothing a tenant can do to force a landlord to add anyone’s name to a lease with the exception of adding your spouse’s name to your rent-stabilized lease.

How to help a tenant in New York City?

The Tenant Helpline can help determine whether mediation is appropriate for your situation. You can get a referral to a Community Dispute Resolution Center of NYC (CDRC) working for the Landlord-Tenant Mediation Project in your borough. Visit New York City Tenant Resource Portal. Contact the Mayor’s Office to Protect Tenants.

When was the Tenant Protection Unit created in New York?

In 2012, to increase compliance with these laws and further protect rent-regulated tenants, Governor Cuomo created the Tenant Protection Unit (TPU) to act as a proactive law enforcement office within New York State Homes and Community Renewal.

How to contact New York City Housing Authority?

Tenants with maintenance complaints about apartments in New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA) buildings should call the NYCHA Customer Contact Center at 718-707-7771. I have no heat or hot water in my apartment.

Who is the owner of 140 apartment buildings in NYC?

As a result of a TPU investigation and subsequent referral to the New York Attorney General (NYAG), Steven Croman, owner of 140 apartment buildings throughout Manhattan, pled guilty to fraudulently refinancing loans and committing tax fraud as part of a long running scheme to push rent-regulated tenants out of their homes.

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