
Can people with same age marry?

Can people with same age marry?

The secret to a longer life is to marry someone the same age, at least if you are a woman, researchers say. Marriage generally improves life expectancy, but the age gap between a couple affects the life expectancy of men and women very differently.

It doesn’t matter whether you are older or younger than him—you don’t want a gap. It’s best for you to marry someone exactly the same age. It’s best for you to marry someone exactly the same age. An older dude will shorten your life and a younger one will really shorten it.

What happens if husband and wife are of same age?

Previous studies have shown that men with younger wives live longer. The mortality risk of a husband who is seven to nine years older than his wife is reduced by eleven percent compared to couples where both partners are the same age. Conversely, a man dies earlier when he is younger than his spouse.

Do same age relationships work?

But some studies find the relationship satisfaction reported by age-gap couples is higher. These couples also seem to report greater trust and commitment and lower jealousy than similar-age couples. Over three-quarters of couples where younger women are partnered with older men report satisfying romantic relationships.

Can a boy marry at the age of 18 in India?

Currently, several personal laws prescribe ages 18 and 21 as the minimum marriage age for women and men respectively in India. The Special Marriage Act, 1954 and the Prohibition of Child Marriage Act, 2006 (PCMA) prescribe the same.

Can you marry 18?

A male who has not reached the age of 21 is a “child” as per the Prohibition of Child Marriage Act, 2006. However, a male aged between 18 and 21 marrying a female above 18 years will not be punishable under the Act for contracting a child marriage, the Supreme Court has ruled.

How old does a girl have to be to marry a boy?

The age of marriage for a girl is 18 years and for a boy is 21 years, no body should marry below these years it will be legally punishable offence if do so.

Is the age of 18 too old for marriage?

At the age of 18 years only the girl is ready physically and mentally for marriage and all other things that happen after marriage , at the age of 16 or 17 the girl is not ready for all these so it is very danger for a girl’s health at that age of marriage , so Government banned legally marriages at the age of below 18 years for girls .

How old do you have to be to marry a girl in India?

Legally marriageable age of boys is 21 and for girls is 18. If someone marry a girl before 18 then marriage is illegal, null and void. according to the Hindu marriage act 1955 the minimum age of marriage for a boy is 21 and girl is 18.

Can you marry a girl with out her concent?

In case the girl is having problem with the marriage and place a complaint then the problem arises. Even after 18 years you can not marry a girl with out her concent. In case of destruction of age evidence the foreignsic test is carried out to determine the age.

The age of marriage for a girl is 18 years and for a boy is 21 years, no body should marry below these years it will be legally punishable offence if do so.

Can a boy and Girl with same star marry?

The Data on Same Star Marriage must also be complied. For example, the boy and Girl having Bharani Star can not marry, even if the Boy’s Star path precede the Girl’s Star path. For a successful marriage and cordial relationship between the couples, this condition must be followd strictly.

Legally marriageable age of boys is 21 and for girls is 18. If someone marry a girl before 18 then marriage is illegal, null and void. according to the Hindu marriage act 1955 the minimum age of marriage for a boy is 21 and girl is 18.

At the age of 18 years only the girl is ready physically and mentally for marriage and all other things that happen after marriage , at the age of 16 or 17 the girl is not ready for all these so it is very danger for a girl’s health at that age of marriage , so Government banned legally marriages at the age of below 18 years for girls .

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