
How common is the name Jones?

How common is the name Jones?

The 2000 United States census provides a frequency of 0.50%, providing an overall rank of fifth most frequent with 57.7% White, 37.7% Black, 1.4% Hispanic, 0.9% Native American. Jones was the fourth most common surname in the 1990 U.S. Census, behind only Smith, Johnson and Williams.

Is Smith a common name?

Smith is unchallenged as the most numerous surname in the U.S., some 28 percent ahead of second-place Johnson, according to the U.S. Census Bureau and And, based on the most recent available data from these sources, John heads the list of the most frequent first names.

Is John Smith the most common name?

The UK’s most common name is revealed…and it’s not what you think

Ranking in top 100 list Name Number of adults on Open Register1
1 David Smith 6,163
2 David Jones 5,959
3 John Smith 4,742
4 Michael Smith 4,321

How popular is the name Smith?

name rank Number of people
name SMITH rank 1 Number of people 2,442,977
name JOHNSON rank 2 Number of people 1,932,812
name WILLIAMS rank 3 Number of people 1,625,252
name BROWN rank 4 Number of people 1,437,026

Why is Jones a popular last name?

Jones is a patronymic surname meaning “Jehovah has favored.” Jones is a popular surname among European Christians, as the name John was bestowed in honor of St. John the Baptist and many other saints by the name John. Jones is the most common surname in Wales, where “son of” is denoted by the “s” ending.

What ethnicity is the last name Jones?

English and Welsh: patronymic from the Middle English personal name Jon(e) (see John). The surname is especially common in Wales and southern central England. In North America this name has absorbed various cognate and like-sounding surnames from other languages.

Is Smith English or Irish?

Smith is a surname originating in England and Ireland. It is the most prevalent surname in the United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and the United States, and the fifth most common surname in the Republic of Ireland.

Is Jones a white or black last name?

The name has always been popular in the United States. The 1850 census has 113,864 records for Jones; the 1940, 731,131. In the 2000 census, it was the fifth-most common surname, with 1,362,755 American Joneses. Of those, 57 percent were white and 37 percent black.

What’s the most popular last name in the world?

The most popular last name in the world is Wang, meaning “king.” About 92.8 million people in mainland China have the royal last name of Wang.

What clan does Smith belong to?

Clan Smith was also associated with Clan Macpherson and in the old days was one of of the allied clans under Clan Chattan. Although the Gaelic name for Smith is Gow, Gowan, or MacGowan, the anglicized form of the name has been used in Scotland since the twelfth century. Today Smith is the most common name in Scotland.

Why is Smith called smudger?

These included ‘Smudger’ Smith [due to a blacksmith being perpetually covered in smudge, or soot], ‘Dusty’ Miller [a grain miller being dusted in fine flour], ‘Nobby’ Clark [because clerks in the City of London used to wear Nobby hats, or tophats], ‘Pedlar’ Palmer [cartmen peddling their wares being sleight of hand], ‘ …

What does I’ve got the jones mean?

1 slang : an avid desire or appetite for something : craving. 2 slang : habit, addiction especially : addiction to heroin.

Smith is a surname originating in England and Ireland. It is the most prevalent surname in the United Kingdom, the United States, Australia, Canada, and New Zealand, and the fifth most common surname in the Republic of Ireland.

Are people actually named John Smith?

“The U.S. Census Bureau statistics tell us that there are at least 151,671 different last names and 5,163 different first names in common use in the United States. Some names are more common than others. “There are 44,935 people named John Smith in the United States.

English and Welsh: patronymic from the Middle English personal name Jon(e) (see John). The surname is especially common in Wales and southern central England.

How many people have the name James Smith?

More than 38,000 Americans have the name James Smith. On a list of the top 13 most popular full names in the U.S., the majority of the last names were Smith.

Where does the last name Smith come from?

Smith remains the most common surname in England and Wales, and is most associated with the north-west and south east of England, but the Smiths have also mounted a push southwards towards Cheshire, Gloucestershire and Hampshire.

Which is the most popular name David or John Smith?

The study analysed information from Open Data (Picture: Shutterstock) There are nearly 25% more David Smiths than John Smiths, with David the most popular male name and Margaret the most popular female name.

Which is the most common name in the UK?

David Smith is the most frequently used name in Britain followed by David Jones, the GBG study for the Telegraph showed.

Why is John Smith the most common last name?

As such, John Smith’s restricted use in the real world may be in the result in part of parents’ wish to avoid this implication of facelessness. Other combinations of common first and last names do not undergo this restriction: John Martin, James Smith, and Mary Williams are overrepresented by 13 to 20 percent.

What’s the most common last name in your state?

Most Common Surname by State State Last Name Last Name Last Name Hawaii Lee Wong Kim Idaho Smith Johnson Anderson Illinois Smith Johnson Williams Indiana Smith Miller Johnson

Where does the last name Jones come from?

The Joneses have moved into the North West of England, with Yorkshire, Lancashire and Merseyside replacing several Welsh counties in the top ten areaas with the highest incidence of the surname. Meanwhile, the Welsh surname Williams is now more likely to be found in leafy Surrey than it is in South West Wales.

What is the most popular surname in England?

Smith remains the most common surname in England and Wales, and is most associated with the north-west and south east of England, but the Smiths have also mounted a push southwards towards Cheshire, Gloucestershire and Hampshire.

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