
How do people benefit from religion?

How do people benefit from religion?

Religion gives people something to believe in, provides a sense of structure and typically offers a group of people to connect with over similar beliefs. These facets can have a large positive impact on mental health—research suggests that religiosity reduces suicide rates, alcoholism and drug use.

Why is conversion important in religion?

Religious conversion gives new identity to the communities converted which in turn leads to social mobility. The new identity obtained in conversion enabled converts to see themselves and others as equals or sometimes superior to others.

Why do people from different religions help each other?

Our world is so fraught with men tearing down innocent lives, claiming to act on the will of God, that when two people from different religions help each other, it makes the news. We view a Christian helping a Muslim or a Muslim helping a Jew as something so unusual that it’s considered out of the ordinary.

When do most people switch to another religion?

Most people who switch their allegiance during their lifetime, the survey finds, leave their childhood faith while they are still young, before the age of 24. Yet the opportunities for attracting them to another religion appear to continue for some time. The reasons for leaving differ according to the origin and destination of the convert.

Are there any benefits to having a religion?

Whilst the benefits of religion and belief do have to be assessed and articulated in satisfactory ways to be comprehensible to a largely secular legal world, because spiritual benefit, for example, may be less easy to quantify, it is important that its distinctive language should not become marginalized in favour of purely secular categories.

Is it good to talk to people of different religions?

Being open to talk to other people about a faith that you don’t believe in is important if you want to expand your perspective and appreciate people of different religions. While you may not agree with all their doctrines, you should be open to learning about their customs and beliefs.

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