
How do you counsel a pregnant woman?

How do you counsel a pregnant woman?

Basic skills in counselling include the use of active listening, encouraging the pregnant woman to talk, to ask questions freely, and focusing on relevant issues in relation to danger symptoms and gestational age. Every pregnant woman has the right to decide what happens to her pregnancy.

How do you talk to a teenager about teenage pregnancy?

Start out by reminding them that you love them no matter what, and that you want to talk with them because you care. Ask them if they’re having sex, and if so, if they’re using birth control and condoms. Let them know that you can help them with any questions they may have about birth control or condoms.

How do you address or reduce teenage pregnancy?


  1. Oral Contraception…… “the pill”
  2. Implanon.
  3. Injectable contraception…..”the injection”
  4. Male and female condoms.
  5. Dual protection.
  6. Emergency contraception (should be used within 5 days of unprotected sex, or condom breakage)- Toll free no: 0800246432.
  7. Male and female sterilisation.

Can I go to therapy while pregnant?

Experts agree that therapy can be an effective way to help monitor a woman’s mental health, note shifts in her mood and anxiety, and ensure that she gets additional support as needed both during pregnancy and after delivery.

What are the options for an adolescent pregnant?

Usually, the adolescent has the following options available: Carrying her pregnancy to delivery and raising the baby. Carrying her pregnancy to delivery and placing the baby for adoption.

What should a pediatrician do for a pregnant adolescent?

Pediatricians should take the following steps: Inform the pregnant adolescent of the options, which include carrying the pregnancy to delivery and raising the infant, carrying the pregnancy to delivery and making an adoption or kinship care plan, or terminating the pregnancy;

Where can I get counselling for body image during pregnancy?

According to Jen Reddish, a counsellor at The Essence of You in Calgary, who specializes in body image, motherhood, and the perinatal period, many women have difficulty accepting the changes their bodies go through during pregnancy.

How does prenatal counselling help you through pregnancy?

Prenatal counselling provided a safe space for Morton to talk about these often not talked about concerns. Her only regret is that she didn’t go sooner. “I didn’t really know this kind of help was available,” admits the 32-year-old Vancouverite.

What should a teenage girl do if she is pregnant?

A pregnant teen has a variety of options to consider: Keep the baby. Many pregnant teens keep their babies. Some choose to marry their partners and raise the baby together. Others rely on family support to raise the baby.

Usually, the adolescent has the following options available: Carrying her pregnancy to delivery and raising the baby. Carrying her pregnancy to delivery and placing the baby for adoption.

Pediatricians should take the following steps: Inform the pregnant adolescent of the options, which include carrying the pregnancy to delivery and raising the infant, carrying the pregnancy to delivery and making an adoption or kinship care plan, or terminating the pregnancy;

What are the common reactions of teenage pregnancy?

Teenage pregnancy can be a crisis for your teen and your family. Common reactions might include anger, guilt and denial. Your teen might also experience anxiety, fear, shock and depression.

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