
How do you use hopeful in a sentence?

How do you use hopeful in a sentence?

Hopeful sentence example

  1. He opened the passenger door with a hopeful smile.
  2. She met his hopeful gaze with a welcoming smile.
  3. Hopeful for the first time in her life, Jenn glanced up and stopped.

Is hopefully grammatically correct?

Hopefully means “in a hopeful manner.” We looked hopefully to the future. Some usage experts object to the use of hopefully as a sentence adverb, apparently on grounds of clarity. To be safe, avoid using hopefully in sentences such as the following: Hopefully, your son will recover soon.

Can you end a sentence with hopefully?

2 Answers. ‘Hopefully’ is being used as a parenthetical expression to interrupt a thought and not as a conjunctive adverb joining two sentences. Since it is functioning as a parenthetical expression, you need to punctuate it with two commas. “…and, hopefully, become a member of the band.”

What kind of word is hopefully?

Hopefully is an adverb which means “in a hopeful manner” or, when used as a disjunct, “it is hoped”.

What does Hopefully soon mean?

it’s mean that done soon. forexample, I hope fully soon you will be a good English fluent spoker.

Why is hopefully wrong?

Hopefully is an adverb which means what it ought to [italics mine]–“full of hope” or “characterized by hope.” It normally modifies verbs. Incorrect: Hopefully, they will come in time.

Should there always be a comma after hopefully?

“Hopefully” needs to be followed by a comma when it comes at the beginning of a sentence as an adverb or a sentence adverb.

Will hopefully prove?

“will hopefully prove,” both are incorrect. The “brief therapy” does not prove anything “in a hopeful way.” We use the word “hopefully” in speech a lot, but I would beware of it on the GMAT. “It is hoped” is better; here, the antecedent of the word “it” is actually the idea of the sentence itself.

Which is a grammatically correct sentence answer?

In order for a sentence to be grammatically correct, the subject and verb must both be singular or plural. In other words, the subject and verb must agree with one another in their tense. If the subject is in plural form, the verb should also be in plur al form (and vice versa).

Which sentence is correct grammatically?

Does hopefully mean yes?

The adverb hopefully means ‘wanting the answer to be yes’: …

Will hopefully Or would hopefully?

Re: Hope – will or would? A number of tense-forms are possible after ‘hope’ for present or future time. ‘Would’ is not normally used, except in such constructions as ‘would like’, ‘would rather’. I hope he is enjoying his new job.

How do you respond to hopefully soon?

Yes, you could say that. You are saying that you agree with them, so you could also say, “I hope so too.”

What is the difference between hope and hopefully?

It is in this unique usage that ‘hopefully’ means a feeling similar to ‘I hope’. ‘Hope’ is a verb that expresses a feeling. It means to want something to happen or to be true or to think that it could happen or be true. ‘Hope’ as a verb shows the action of feeling a desire or expectation.

Does hopefully mean hope?

‘Hopefully’ is an adverb, so it modifies a verb. It means in a hopeful manner. To be hopeful means to be full of hope, or showing and feeling a sense of hope. For example: The dog stared out of the window hopefully all day long. In another sense, ‘hopefully’ can mean that something is hoped for in a general way.

Does the comma go before or after however?

Use a semi-colon (;) before and a comma (,) after however when you are using it to write a compound sentence. If ‘however’ is used to begin a sentence, it must be followed by a comma, and what appears after the comma must be a complete sentence.

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