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How do you write passage in a sentence?

How do you write passage in a sentence?

English Sentences Focusing on Words and Their Word Families The Word “Passage” in Example Sentences Page 1

  1. [S] [T] I copied a passage from the book into my notebook. (
  2. [S] [T] There’s a secret passage. (
  3. [S] [T] He read a passage from Shakespeare. (
  4. [S] [T] Read the passage on page 22, please. (

What is passage and example?

Passage is moving through something, being granted permission to move through something or an enclosed area that you must move through to get to somewhere else. An example of passage is when you go on a trip and someone tells you to be safe in your travels.

What is the key sentence of the passage?

Calling it a “key sentence” reminds us that it expresses the central idea of the paragraph. And sometimes a question or a two-sentence construction functions as the key. Key sentences in academic writing do two things. First, they establish the main point that the rest of the paragraph supports.

What is an example sentence?

An “example sentence” is a sentence written to demonstrate usage of a particular word in context. An example sentence is invented by its writer to show how to use a particular word properly in writing. Example sentences are colloquially referred to as ‘usexes’, a blend of use + example.

What’s a passage in writing?

Technically, a passage is simply a portion or section of a written work, either fiction or non-fiction. Some hold that a passage can be as short as a sentence, but most consist of at least one paragraph and usually several.

Can a passage be one sentence?

A passage could consist of a single sentence. A good rule of thumb is that a paragraph should have at least two (and preferably three) sentences. Another text, such as firsthand records of events, theories, opinions or actions. To cite another literature in your writing.

What is called passage?

Passage describes the act of passing or traveling from one place to the next. People often use the word passage to specifically refer to a journey by ship, as in, “The passage to America was long and hard.” A section of written work or music can also be called a passage.

What is an example of a main idea?

The main idea is usually a sentence, and it is usually the first sentence. The writer then uses the rest of the paragraph to support the main idea. Let’s use the paragraph below as an example. the main idea (what the writer is saying about the topic) is that summer is a wonderful time at West Beach.

What are supporting sentences?

A supporting sentence is a sentence with information that supports a main idea or claim. Supporting sentences give a reader details to understand a main idea, or evidence to show why a claim is true or correct.

What is sentence give me 5 examples?

A simple sentence has the most basic elements that make it a sentence: a subject, a verb, and a completed thought. Examples of simple sentences include the following: Joe waited for the train. The train was late.

What are three sentences?

Three essential types of sentence are declarative sentences (which are statements), interrogative sentences (which are questions), and imperative sentences (which are orders).

How many sentences are in a passage?

In general, educators like to see a paragraph consisting of at least 5 sentences. Start with a sentence that expresses an idea. Use the next 3 sentences for providing information that supports that idea, and use the final sentence to draw a conclusion. Why do teachers expect longer paragraphs?

What is the difference between a passage and a paragraph?

The key difference between passage and paragraph is that a paragraph is a cluster of sentences grouped under one topic whereas a passage is an extract from a text, novel, story or even a paragraph. Both these words are abstracts of a long process which in literature is called as a writing.

What is passage grammar?

noun. a portion or section of a written work; a paragraph, verse, etc.: a passage of Scripture.

What is passage in one word?

(Entry 1 of 2) 1a : a way of exit or entrance : a road, path, channel, or course by which something passes Special ships clear passages through the ice. nasal passages. b : a corridor or lobby giving access to the different rooms or parts of a building or apartment Her office is at the end of the passage.

What type of word is passage?

What is a topic example?

Topic Sentence Examples Note that each example includes both a topic and a controlling idea. Topic Sentence: There are many reasons why pollution in ABC Town is the worst in the world. The topic is “pollution in ABC Town is the worst in the world” and the controlling idea is “many reasons.”

How do you find the main idea in a passage?

Finding the main idea

  1. at the beginning of paragraphs. The first sentence often explains the subject being discussed in the passage.
  2. in the concluding sentences of a paragraph. The main idea can be expressed as a summation of the information in the paragraph as well as a link to the information in the next paragraph.

How do you start a supporting sentence?

Begin each supporting paragraph with a topic sentence. This statement reinforces your point for the reader. Everything in the paragraph should support the point you establish in the initial sentence. Use specific facts from your research and specific examples to enhance and clarify the point you are making.

What is supporting sentence in topic sentence?

The supporting sentences, also called the body of the paragraph, are used to support, explain, illustrate, or provide evidence for the idea expressed in the topic sentence.

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