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How long is each juz in the Quran?

How long is each juz in the Quran?

The Quran consists of 114 Surah (loosely called Chapter) and 30 Juz (loosely called Sections). For a normal Quran book every Juz has exactly 20 pages.

Are all juz equal in Quran?

A juz’ is one of thirty parts of roughly equal length into which the Qur’an is sometimes divided. The most commonly referred and memorized juz’ is “juz’ Amma’,” which is the 30th juz’ and contains Surahs 78 through 114, most of the shortest suras in the Qur’an. ‘Amma is generally taught first to children.

How is the Quran divided?

There are 114 surahs in the Quran, each divided into ayahs (verses). The chapters or surahs are of unequal length; the shortest surah (Al-Kawthar) has only three verses while the longest (Al-Baqara) contains 286 verses. This formula is known as the Bismillah and denotes the boundaries between chapters.

What are the names of the juz in Quran?


No. Para / Juz Name
1 الم Alif Lam Meem
2 سَيَقُولُ Sayaqool
3 تِلْكَ الرُّسُلُ Tilkal Rusull
4 لَنْ تَنَالُوا Lan Tana Loo

What is the shortest juz?

The most commonly memorized juzʼ is juzʼ ‘amma, the 30th juzʼ, containing chapters (sūrah) 78 through 114, with most of the shortest chapters of the Qurʼān. Juzʼ ‘amma is named, like most ajzāʼ, after the 1st word of its 1st verse (in this case chapter 78).

What is the first juz of Quran called?

The first chapter is called “The Opening” (Al Fatihah). It consists of eight verses and is often referred to as the “Lord’s Prayer” of Islam. The chapter in its entirety is repeatedly recited during a Muslim’s daily prayers, as it sums up the relationship between humans and God in worship.

How long is the first juz?

The first chapter is called “The Opening” (Al Fatihah). It consists of eight verses and is often referred to as the “Lord’s Prayer” of Islam.

What is Juz 5 in the Quran?

A Juz or Para of the Quran is simply the division of the book into 30 sections and has no relevance to the meaning of the Qur’an. Quran Para 5 (Juz 5) begins with Surah An-Nisaa ayah 24 and ends at ayah 147 of the same chapter. …

How long is the first juz of the Quran?

Which is the shortest juz?

Where does the 5th Juz start?

The fifth juz’ of the Qur’an contains most of Surah An-Nisaa, the fourth chapter of the Quran, starting from verse 24 and continuing to verse 147 of the same chapter.

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