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How many times did Jesus quote the book of Psalms?

How many times did Jesus quote the book of Psalms?

Jesus quoted from both the book of Psalms and from the book of Isaiah eight times.

How many times did Jesus quote the Scriptures?

He quoted the Old Testament 78 times, the Pentateuch alone 26 times. He quoted from Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Deuteronomy, Psalms, Proverbs, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, Hosea, Amos, Jonah, Micah, and Malachi. He referred to the Old Testament as “The Scriptures,” “the word of God,” and “the wisdom of God.”

How many psalms did Jesus quote on the cross?

Seven sayings

Sayings of Jesus on the cross Luke Psalms
Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise. 23:43
Woman, here is your son. and Here is your mother.
Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani? or Eloï, Eloï, lema sabachthani? 22:1
I am thirsty.

Who wrote the entire book of Psalms?

Many carry the names of individuals, the most common (73 psalms—75 if including the two Psalms attributed by the New Testament to David) being ‘of David’, and thirteen of these relate explicitly to incidents in the king’s life.

How many times did Jesus quote the Old Testament?

In all His teachings He referred to the divine authority of the Old Testament ( Mt. 5:17-18; 8:17; 12:40-42; Lk. 4:18-21; 10:25-28; 15:29-31; 17:32; 24:25-45; Jn. 5:39-47 ). He quoted the Old Testament 78 times, the Pentateuch alone 26 times.

Which is the most quoted Psalm in the New Testament?

Then Peter immediately moves to Psalm 110 (which is, in fact, the most quoted and alluded to psalm in the New Testament) to demonstrate the ascension and coronation of Jesus: “The LORD said to my Lord: ‘Sit at my right hand, until I make your enemies your footstool.’”

Which is book Did Jesus quote most often?

Jesus called upon God’s Word to respond to the Pharisees ( Matt 22:41–46 at the end of His earthly life. The Holy Scriptures give a record of Jesus quoting from every book of the Pentateuch and eight of God’s prophets. So which book was Jesus’ favorite? Or perhaps a better question, from which book did Jesus quote most often?

How are the Psalms related to the Old Testament?

This probing question was but the application of what Jesus would later declare, that he himself is the object of all the Scriptures of the Old Testament, summarizing their threefold division in Luke 24:44 as “the Law of Moses and the Prophets and the Psalms,” with the Psalms standing as the summary representative of the Writings.

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