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Is it good to marry your first GF?

Is it good to marry your first GF?

It is good to marry the person that you love and who loves you back as long as that relationship is healthy and you can work as an equal team toward the goal of creating a happy, balanced, safe and productive life together. If that happens to be your first gf or bf then that is a good choice.

Why is it important to marry your first love?

Social worker and love and relationship coach Jillian Weiss, tells Bustle that since we benefit as human beings from being in healthy, secure, relationships, marrying your first love can offer extra support throughout your lifespan. “The key is that the relationship remains stable and certain, or it can have the opposite effect,” Weiss says.

Is there a love like the first love?

Indeed, there is no love like first love. It always has a special place in your heart and you compare all the people who get into a relationship with, with your first love. You may move on, get married or even bury our lovely past after the separation, the spark and the emotional feeling for the first love still exists somewhere in the heart.

Is it possible to have long lasting love with your first love?

For most of us, your first love is the person you leave behind for a hundred different reasons, yet they shape how you view love for the rest of your life. For those who marry their first love, long-lasting love is possible if it evolves and changes to support the relationship, as Dr. Diner notes.

Is it good to get married to your first love?

You wouldn’t be getting married if you didn’t think your partner and this relationship was fun. Since it’s your first love, you can be pretty confident that you also think they’re a pretty neat person and that this won’t fade away. This should always be true in your relationship.

Indeed, there is no love like first love. It always has a special place in your heart and you compare all the people who get into a relationship with, with your first love. You may move on, get married or even bury our lovely past after the separation, the spark and the emotional feeling for the first love still exists somewhere in the heart.

How many people are married to their first love?

Statistics on marriage to first loves are not exactly abundant. One 2014 survey from YouGov UK said that of the roughly 46 percent of British adults who are married, 27 percent have married their first love; and while these marriages are rather uncommon,…

Do you have trust issues with your first love?

There can be a nice sense of ignorant bliss when you are falling in love and have the chance to marry your first love. Some people have issues from past relationships that they bring to their current one and, while it is not always intentional, it can be damaging. Does your partner have really bad trust issues?

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