
Is it illegal for a landlord to overcharge an apartment?

Is it illegal for a landlord to overcharge an apartment?

If you live in a building subject to rent stabilization — a building with six or more units built before Jan. 1, 1974 — it is against the law for the landlord to overcharge. Even if the landlord says that you are not stabilized, the landlord may have deregulated your apartment illegally.

What’s the best way to fight a rent overcharge?

(If you pay in cash or money order, always ask for rent receipts.) • Obtain a copy of your lease and subsequent lease renewals. • You have only four years to file a complaint. Armed with the evidence to make your rent overcharge claim, you have two choices.

How long does it take to file a rent overcharge?

• You have only four years to file a complaint. Armed with the evidence to make your rent overcharge claim, you have two choices. If you cannot afford an attorney, are ineligible for legal services and want to avoid litigation, you can file an overcharge complaint with the DHCR.

How to file a rent overcharge complaint with the DHCR?

• Obtain a copy of your lease and subsequent lease renewals. • You have only four years to file a complaint. Armed with the evidence to make your rent overcharge claim, you have two choices. If you cannot afford an attorney, are ineligible for legal services and want to avoid litigation, you can file an overcharge complaint with the DHCR.

If you live in a building subject to rent stabilization — a building with six or more units built before Jan. 1, 1974 — it is against the law for the landlord to overcharge. Even if the landlord says that you are not stabilized, the landlord may have deregulated your apartment illegally.

(If you pay in cash or money order, always ask for rent receipts.) • Obtain a copy of your lease and subsequent lease renewals. • You have only four years to file a complaint. Armed with the evidence to make your rent overcharge claim, you have two choices.

• You have only four years to file a complaint. Armed with the evidence to make your rent overcharge claim, you have two choices. If you cannot afford an attorney, are ineligible for legal services and want to avoid litigation, you can file an overcharge complaint with the DHCR.

Can a landlord charge you for damages after you move out?

If your landlord has charged you excessive amounts for damages to your apartment after you moved out, take an honest and objective look at the state of your apartment and determine the amount that would be reasonable to pay. In all states, landlords are not allowed to charge you for damages that constitute “normal wear and tear” to the premises.

• Obtain a copy of your lease and subsequent lease renewals. • You have only four years to file a complaint. Armed with the evidence to make your rent overcharge claim, you have two choices. If you cannot afford an attorney, are ineligible for legal services and want to avoid litigation, you can file an overcharge complaint with the DHCR.

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