Useful Tips

Is it possible for a spouse to cheat on You?

Is it possible for a spouse to cheat on You?

Blogging on the Huffington Post, psychotherapist and author Micki McWade said cheating on a spouse is often just a symptom of one of four deeper underlying issues – issues which, she says, are the ones to ultimately end a marriage. There are four problems no marriage can survive, according to divorce expert Micki McWade

How to save your marriage after cheating on your spouse?

Remember, even if your battery of tests come up clean, some STDs can show up months later, including HIV. If in the meantime you plan on engaging in sexual relations with your spouse, practice safe sex. 5. Apologize.

Can a relationship work after someone cheats on You?

While it may take a lot of time and effort to repair a relationship where someone cheated. According to the experts, it just might be possible. But before deciding if staying together really is something you both want, it’s a good idea to spend some time apart to process what has happened in your own time.

Is it possible to repair a marriage after infidelity?

Marriage after infidelity is even harder. If two people love each other enough to work through that infidelity, it can be beautiful again. But it will undoubtedly take time. The wounds of infidelity are deep, and the victim of the adultery will need time to mend and eventually forgive.

How does cheating on your spouse end your marriage?

Cheating in and of itself won’t necessarily end your marriage…how you and your spouse handle the fallout from the affair will. It takes hard work, dedication, and honesty to stay together.

Why did my husband cheat on Me with another woman?

Because here’s yet another thing nobody tells you about infidelity: He didn’t cheat because there was something wrong with you, or even your marriage. He cheated because there was something wrong with him. And he thought he could find the answer in the fantasy of an affair.

Marriage after infidelity is even harder. If two people love each other enough to work through that infidelity, it can be beautiful again. But it will undoubtedly take time. The wounds of infidelity are deep, and the victim of the adultery will need time to mend and eventually forgive.

What happens to your marriage when your spouse has an affair?

Cheating in and of itself won’t necessarily end your marriage…how you and your spouse handle the fallout from the affair will. It takes hard work, dedication, and honesty to stay together. You may be someone who knows immediately that staying after betrayal is not for you, and the moment there’s infidelity, you’re out.

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