
What are people who ponder questions about life called?

What are people who ponder questions about life called?

thinkers who ponder questions about life are called philosophers.

What can you ponder about your life?

If you were going to die tomorrow, what would you do today? If you had the opportunity to be different, what would you change about yourself? If you could change one thing in the world, what would it be? If you could choose to live anywhere in the world, where would you prefer to live?

What does it mean to ponder on something?

transitive verb. 1 : to weigh in the mind : appraise pondered their chances of success. 2 : to think about : reflect on pondered the events of the day. intransitive verb.

What were slaves in ancient Greece called?

In Homer, Hesiod and Theognis of Megara, the slave was called δμώς (dmōs). The term has a general meaning but refers particularly to war prisoners taken as booty (in other words, property).

Who are the ordinary citizens of the army?

If you are asking about how military personnel refer to non-military people, then the correct answer would be civilians.

What is the most thought provoking question?

5 Best Thought Provoking Questions

  1. At what point are we good enough?
  2. What in life, is beautiful to you?
  3. If you were a genie and a person asked you this wish, “I wish you would not grant me this wish”, what would you do?
  4. Why does your nose run and your feet smell?
  5. Can you dream of having a dream?

What’s a word for makes you think?

Some common synonyms of ponder are meditate, muse, and ruminate.

What is it called when you think deeply?

To consider or give serious or careful thought to. meditate. contemplate. consider. deliberate.

Did slavery exist in ancient Greece?

Q: How did people become slaves in ancient Greece? People became slaves in ancient Greece after they were captured in wars. They were then sold to their owners. Other slaves were, by nature, born into slave families.

What is it called when you have to join the army?

Conscription (sometimes called the draft in the United States) is the mandatory enlistment of people in a national service, most often a military service.

What was a soldier of a city state that was an ordinary citizen called?

Hoplites (HOP-lytes) (Ancient Greek: ὁπλίτης) were citizen-soldiers of Ancient Greek city-states who were primarily armed with spears and shields. Hoplite soldiers utilized the phalanx formation to be effective in war with fewer soldiers.

What is the biggest question of life?

The biggest questions ever asked

  1. The Big Questions: What is reality?
  2. The Big Questions: What is life?
  3. The Big Questions: Do we have free will?
  4. The Big Questions: Is the universe deterministic?
  5. The Big Questions: What is consciousness?
  6. The Big Questions: Will we ever have a theory of everything?

Who are ordinary citizens in the army?

What did the Spartans see as important to their way of life?

What did the Spartans see as important to their way of life? because of poverty.” What did the Greeks use to decide who should hold public office?

What word means to think deeply?

What are some good questions to ponder about life?

A way to renew yourself and your mental health is to spend some time alone with your thoughts. If a long time has passed since you let your mind wander through an intellectual playground, then these questions to ponder about life will light up your brain in good ways. 1. Is it true that a soulmate is out there for everyone?

Which is the most important question in life?

This leaves many individuals to ponder things they do not know and drive their own logical or sensible conclusion about it. Some of the big questions may be, “What is the purpose of life?” While other questions are interesting thoughts that science may possibly be able to answer now or in the future.

Are there any unanswerable questions about the purpose of life?

Some of the big questions may be, “What is the purpose of life?” While other questions are interesting thoughts that science may possibly be able to answer now or in the future. Regardless of how an answer can be derived, here is a selection of some of the most funny unanswerable questions that have been shared.

Are there any deep questions you need to ask yourself?

It is only by questioning everything we think, feel and believe that we can move towards living a life that truly fulfills us. We can question our limiting beliefs and the rules and norms of society. In addition, we can question our political and religious beliefs and our ideas about ourselves and others.

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