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What are three main achievements of Benjamin Franklin?

What are three main achievements of Benjamin Franklin?

Benjamin Franklin is the only founding father to have signed all four of the key documents establishing the U.S.: the Declaration of Independence (1776), the Treaty of Alliance with France (1778), the Treaty of Paris establishing peace with Great Britain (1783) and the U.S. Constitution (1787).

What is Ben Franklin most famous for?

Benjamin Franklin was America’s scientist, inventor, politician, philanthropist and business man. He is best known as the only Founding Father who signed all three documents that freed America from Britain. Franklin is credited with drafting the Declaration of Independence and the American Constitution.

What are the achievements and inventions of Benjamin Franklin?

The Franklin Stove was revolutionary.

  • Franklin also invented a new musical instrument.
  • Benjamin Franklin actually invented Bifocals.
  • He helped pen the American Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution.
  • He was the first Postmaster General of the United States.
  • What was Benjamin Franklin’s most famous invention?

    Here are some of Benjamin Franklin’s most significant inventions:

    • Lightning Rod.
    • Bifocals.
    • Franklin Stove.
    • Armonica.

      What are 5 things Benjamin Franklin invented?

      Inventions and Improvements

      • Swimming fins. Franklin loved swimming.
      • The Glass armonica.
      • The Franklin stove.
      • Lightning rod.
      • Street lamps.
      • Bifocals.
      • Odometer.
      • Flexible urinary catheter.

        Who discovered electricity?

        Alexander Lodygin
        Harvey Hubbell

        Did Benjamin Franklin invent the skateboard?

        Did Benjamin Franklin invent the skateboard? In a manner of speaking, Ben Franklin reinvented the wheel – literally – in 1731 with the invention of the roller-skate. The original roller-skate was much less versatile and much more dangerous than the modern variety, but the basic principles were the same.

        How do you spot a counterfeit $100 bill?

        The letters “USA” and the number 100 alternate along the strip, which is visible from both sides of the note.

        1. If you hold the bill up to UV light, then the strip should glow pink.
        2. You can also purchase a counterfeit detector which shines UV light, which might be helpful if your business handles a lot of bills.

        Who is known as the father of electricity?

        Michael Faraday
        The Father of Electricity, Michael Faraday was born on September 22, in 1791. The English scientist, who is responsible for the discovery of electromagnetic induction, electrolysis and diamagnetism, hailed from a poor family of a blacksmith.

        Did Benjamin Franklin invent the bathtub?

        And finally, in plumbing events, Ben Franklin was said to have imported the first bathtub from Europe over to America!

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