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What companies got their names from Greek mythology?

What companies got their names from Greek mythology?

Five Business Names inspired by Greek Mythology

  • Marathon. The story of the marathon is based in ancient Greek mythology.
  • Nike. In ancient Greek religion, Nike was the goddess of victory.
  • Hermes. In modern times, Hermes is known as a German-owned delivery service.
  • Argos.
  • Pandora.

Is Nike a Greek god?

Nike, in ancient Greek religion, the goddess of victory, daughter of the giant Pallas and of the infernal River Styx. As an attribute of both Athena, the goddess of wisdom, and the chief god, Zeus, Nike was represented in art as a small figure carried in the hand by those divinities. …

What is the name of a jewelry company store that is named after a goddess?

Pandora. Various organizations have branded their names after Pandora; she was the woman from Greek mythology. The meaning of Pandora means “all gifted”; thus, the Pandora box is called after the woman.

Is the brand Hermes named after the god?

The name Hermes dates far back to Greek religion and mythology, it originates from an Olympian God, the son of Zeus. Hermes was the representative and the messenger of the Gods. Hermès is a brand steeped in history and tradition, dating back to its establishment in 1873 by Thierry Hermès.

Who is the god of partying?

Dionysus is the Greek God of wine and parties. His Roman name, Bacchus, is the origin of bacchanalia.

Which Greek God has wings?

Hermes, the Greek God with wings on his shoes and wide-brimmed hat, carries a caduceus staff (winged rod with two snakes wrapped around it). Known to the Romans as Mercury, Hermes is also the Lord of Information: patron god of… geeks.

Who is the goddess of creativity?

In Greek mythology, Charis (/ˈkeɪrɪs/; Ancient Greek: Χάρις “grace, beauty, and life”) is one of the Charites (Greek: Χάριτες) or “Graces”, goddesses of charm, beauty, nature, human creativity and fertility; and in Homer’s Iliad. Charis was also known as Cale (“Beauty”) or Aglaea (“Splendor”).

Who is the goddess of laughter?

In Greek mythology, Gelos (/ˈɡɛloʊs, -ɒs/; Ancient Greek: Γέλως) was the divine personification of laughter. According to Philostratus the Elder, he was believed to enter the retinue of Dionysus alongside Comus.

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