
What do you feel when you think you are going crazy?

What do you feel when you think you are going crazy?

You feel crushed and smothered. You’re constantly second-guessing yourself; your feelings, your perceptions, your memories, and a small, suffocated part inside of you wonders whether you are actually going crazy. You feel neurotic, you feel hyper-sensitive and you feel an overwhelming sense of alienation. What is wrong with you?

How old do you have to be to go crazy?

I’m a 26 year old female who feels like I am going crazy. Sometimes I have so much anger in me for no reason. It lasts for days. Then sometimes I have so many good ideals about my future but I can never stick to my plans. Still at other times I can hardly do anything.

When do people treat you like you are Crazy?

As long as I am busy trying to prove that I am worthy, and that MY motive is NOT for harm, they have me right where they want me; under their spell. This is one of the most important concepts to cement into your new belief system going forward in the healing journey.

Is it possible to go crazy from gaslighting?

Although you might feel crazy, although you might feel imbalanced and irrational, there is still hope. What is Gaslighting? What is Gaslighting?

When does thinking Crazy thoughts mean I’m Going Crazy?

Thoughts, by themselves, are harmless. It is when we attach meaning (“And that means I’m a freak,” “I must be dangerous,” “I’m going crazy”) or negative consequences (“I must want to kill myself,” “This means I’m going to hurt someone”) to the thoughts that we end up labeling them, and ourselves, as bad, cracked, or hazardous.

What makes you feel like you’re going crazy?

Your season of grief has left you weary but stronger. You know you will never be the same and you begin to accept that you must integrate your loved one and your experiences and continue to live…a little bit wary, a little bit wise, and a little bit crazy Be sure to subscribe to ‘What’s Your Grief’ to receive posts straight to your e-mail inbox.

What to do when you have crazy thoughts?

So next time a crazy thought pops into your head, try this: Thank your brain for doing what it’s supposed to do — think thoughts — and place the thought gently in the great recycle bin of your mind. You’re not crazy; it just mean your brain is working. Dr. Ellen Hendriksen hosts the weekly Savvy Psychologist podcast on iTunes.

I’m a 26 year old female who feels like I am going crazy. Sometimes I have so much anger in me for no reason. It lasts for days. Then sometimes I have so many good ideals about my future but I can never stick to my plans. Still at other times I can hardly do anything.

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