
What do you say to a friend going through a tough time?

What do you say to a friend going through a tough time?

Ideas to consider include:

  • “Thank you for all you do for us, but now is a time to take care of yourself as well.”
  • “I’m proud of you.”
  • “I hate that you’re going through this, but I know that you’ve got this.”
  • “Remember when you were there for me?
  • “Here’s how we’re going to take care of your work while you’re away.”

What do you say to someone who has tough weeks?

Here are some safe and empathetic things to say when someone you care about is going through a rough patch.

  1. 13. ”I’m here for you.”
  2. “You are so strong.”
  3. “Today was a really tough day.”
  4. “I’ve been thinking of you.”
  5. “I’m only a phone call away.”
  6. “I have no words to express my sadness.”

When your friend is going through a difficult time?

For someone going through a tough time, one of the most helpful things you can do is listen. If you suspect someone you know is dealing with tricky issues: approach them and let them know you’re there. find a suitable time and place to talk to them.

How do you know if your friends are going through hard times?

Here are a few things to keep in mind when helping a friend through tough times, according to experts.

  1. Offer To Hang Out. Shutterstock.
  2. Be There & Listen.
  3. Save The Advice For Later.
  4. Validate Their Feelings.
  5. Avoid Using Clichés.
  6. Run Errands For Them.
  7. Ask How You Can Help.
  8. Keep Checking In.

How can I help a friend in a crisis?

5 Ways To Help A Friend In Crisis

  1. Reach Out. Sometimes we’re afraid to reach out to friends in acute crises because we think that they’ll be embarrassed or ashamed.
  2. Listen, Don’t Give Advice.
  3. Emphasize the Positive.
  4. Send Them Something.
  5. Recognize Your Limitations.

What comforting words to someone that is dying?


  • “Thank you for all the days you’ve made brighter just by being you.
  • “Thinking of the good life you’ve lived, the great times we’ve shared, and feeling so grateful for you.”
  • “You’ve been such an important part of my life, and for that, I’ll always be grateful.”

What to say to a friend going through a hard time?

As their friend, we want to help and have the best of intentions, but we sometimes put our foot in our mouths, or worse, we’re so afraid of saying the wrong thing that we avoid the person and say nothing at all. Jason Jaime, LMSW, is a counselor who works with a lot of people going through rough times.

When do you Know Your Friend doesn’t want to be your friend?

This is definitely one of the bigger tellers that she doesn’t want to be friends with you anymore. When your friend is constantly telling you that she’s busy and she doesn’t make time for you, she doesn’t want to be your friend.

Do you have to be a good friend all the time?

A person shouldn’t be a good friend only when it is convenient. A person should be a good friend all the time. There will be some times when a person comes up short. That’s inevitable. But the idea of being a good friend should occur all the time.

How to know if someone is a real friend?

A real friend would have a legitimate reason for not wanting to be bothered. At the very least “I’m busy” becomes boring after awhile. So if a person keeps saying, “I’m busy” time after time you should definitely not be impressed. 7. The person comes off as phony.

How to support a friend going through hard times?

Like family members, friends going through hard times often feel better when someone reminds them that they’ve been a big help in the past. Let your friend know you want to support her by reminding her of a specific time when she did the same for you. This will boost your friend’s odds of actually accepting your offer to help. 8.

Can a friend go through a tough time?

If your answer is yes, you are at the right place. Our life is full of challenges, ups, and downs. Every single day is challenging for you. Along with a good time, you often have to face some bad times too in your life. All you have to do is to stay strong to deal with the hard times in a good way.

What to say when someone is going through a hard time?

The important people in your life will sometimes experience challenges and heartbreaks. As a family member, friend, or even colleague, you’ll likely want to let these people know you care for them when they’re struggling. You want these people to know you’re there for them, even if all you can do is offer some small degree of comfort.

Is it okay to not want to be friends with someone?

Yes- we agree that their behavior says a lot about them. It’s perfectly okay to not want to be friends with someone, but being pulled around like this is not fair to you. Now comes the part where you decide how much of yourself you’re willing to sacrifice. It sounds like you enjoy the time you do get to spend with them.

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