General Info

What does Brethren Church believe?

What does Brethren Church believe?

The beliefs and practices of the Brethren churches are reflective of their early influences. They accept no creed but the teaching of the New Testament and stress obedience to Jesus Christ and a simple way of life. Like their Anabaptist forerunners, they reject infant baptism in favour of believer’s baptism.

What does the Catholic Church believe about the Trinity?

Catholics believe that there are three distinct Persons to this one God and that these three Persons form a unity. This belief is called the doctrine of the Trinity: God the Father – the creator and sustainer of all things. God the Son – the incarnation of God as a human being, Jesus Christ, on Earth.

What did the council decide is the essential teachings of Jesus?

The Council of Nicaea determined that Christ was “begotten, not made,” that he was therefore not creature but creator. It also asserted that he was “of the same substance as the Father” (homoousios to patri).

Do brethren believe in God?

Other beliefs The Exclusive Brethren share some of the same beliefs as other evangelical Christian groups: The Bible is the inspired and literal word of God. People are saved only by faith in Christ. Jesus was, is, and always will be God, and from the time of the Incarnation – fully man.

What Bible do brethren use?

Bible: The Brethren use the New Testament as their guidebook for living. They believe the Bible is divinely inspired and hold that the Old Testament lays out God’s purpose and desires for humanity.

Why don t the Brethren celebrate Christmas?

Traditionally, many Brethren groups did not celebrate Christmas or Easter, arguing that there is no Biblical command to do so. There are still some assemblies that take this stance, but many Brethren churches today do celebrate these festivals, and sometimes use them as an occasion to evangelize in the community.

Do the brethren drink alcohol?

Brethren members can drink alcohol at home, but being visibly drunk is frowned on and smoking and gambling are forbidden.

What are the major themes in the Bible?

The great biblical themes are about God, his revealed works of creation, provision, judgment, deliverance, his covenant, and his promises. The Bible sees what happens to mankind in the light of God’s nature, righteousness, faithfulness, mercy, and love.

Can brethren watch TV?

Things Exclusive Brethren can’t do watching television.

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