Useful Tips

What does it mean when your vision is distorted?

What does it mean when your vision is distorted?

Conditions of the eye itself include glaucoma, eye injury, and retinal detachment. Vision distortion can also result from serious conditions originating outside of the eye, such as a serious head injury, transient ischemic attack (TIA), stroke, brain hemorrhage (bleeding), and epilepsy.

What causes gray spots in vision?

A gray, blurry or distorted spot in the center of your visual field. These symptoms may be caused by macular degeneration (AMD), a leading cause of blindness among older Americans. In the past, there was no effective treatment for macular degeneration.

What does it mean when you wake up and see black spots?

For example, upon waking up in the morning and looking at the ceiling, some have complained that they see dark areas. This can be caused by areas of wet macular degeneration or areas of retinal atrophy, when the vision-sensitive cells, the photoreceptors, die in a region of the macula.

Why do straight lines look bent?

Macular Degeneration It affects the central field of vision, and often the sufferer loses the ability to see directly in front of them – though they tend to retain their peripheral vision. It is the most common reason that straight lines will appear bent.

What does it mean when you see a black spot in your vision?

Most eye floaters are caused by age-related changes that occur as the jelly-like substance (vitreous) inside your eyes becomes more liquid. Microscopic fibers within the vitreous tend to clump and can cast tiny shadows on your retina. The shadows you see are called floaters.

What causes Micropsia?

Micropsia can be caused by swelling of the cornea due to infection by the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) and can therefore present as an initial symptom of EBV mononucleosis, a disease caused by Epstein-Barr virus infection.

What does it mean if you see wavy lines?

Wavy or distorted lines in your vision could be a sign that you have keratoconus, but it could also be an indicator for retinal tears, retinal detachment, or macular degeneration. These eye conditions need to be diagnosed and treated as soon as possible so that you can maintain crisp, clear vision.

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