
What is an example of a double standard?

What is an example of a double standard?

A double standard is a code or policy that favors one group or person over another. Double standards are unfair. If a teacher lets all the boys bring candy for lunch but not the girls, that’s a double standard. Men getting paid more for the same work than women is a double standard.

What does it mean to have double standards?

1 : a set of principles that applies differently and usually more rigorously to one group of people or circumstances than to another especially : a code of morals that applies more severe standards of sexual behavior to women than to men.

What do you call a person who has double standards?

The claim or pretense of holding beliefs, feelings, standards, qualities, opinions, or virtues that one does not actually possess. hypocrisy. insincerity. deception. dishonesty.

Why is it called double standard?

The expression double standard originally referred to 18th- and 19th-century economic policies of bimetallism. Bimetallism was a monetary system that was based on two metals—a double standard, in its financial “prescribed value” sense, of gold and silver.

Does double standards still exist?

Crawford and Popp (2003) concluded that traditional double standards for some sexual behaviors still exist, for example, for initiating sex, casual sex, sex at an early age, and having many sexual partners, but that for other sexual behaviors a double standard is no longer present, for example, for sex before marriage.

How do you handle double standards?

How to Deal With Double Standards

  1. Understand how you are perceived and what role gender stereotypes play in those perceptions. Get informed about the research; don’t be naive.
  2. Have clarity of purpose. Know why you are doing what you are doing, and how it will advance the collective good.
  3. Be yourself.

What does the Bible say about double standards?

Matthew 23:27-28), and Jesus commanded men to judge others with a righteous judgment (John 7:24). Rather, Jesus is warning against the foolishness of double standards. Those standards you demand others to live up to will be expected of you.

How do you fix double standards in a relationship?

The most efficient and effective way to avoid conflicts about double standards in a relationship is to communicate openly and honestly with one another. As part of this, you may need to consider individual communication styles, ways to communicate more effectively, and conflict resolution skills.

What is double standard relationship?

A double standard is a rule or principle that is unfairly applied in different ways to different people or groups. In an intimate relationship, this usually occurs when one partner has expectations of the other that they fail to apply to themselves.

Does double standard still exist?

A 1998 study in Psychology of Women Quarterly found that fathers reported more praise than mothers for their involvement in parenting, and mothers were more often praised for their ability to successfully combine work and family. This double standard remains in place today.

Do parents have double standards?

A parenting double standard is when the parents believe that the kids should follow the rules (simply because they’re kids), but he parents don’t have to.

Are double standards okay?

Having all of this said, double standards are perfectly acceptable so long as every party involved is in agreement that it’s preferable, that it maximizes utility and well-being for all of the parties involved. In this way, a double-standard is really no different than a compromise.

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