
What is the character of Muslim?

What is the character of Muslim?

The essential qualities of Muslim character are God consciousness, truthfulness, trust, sincerity, tolerance, forgiveness, patience, fairness in dealings, brotherhood, love, mercy and generosity. This personality is attainable and was exemplified by the Messenger of God, who was sent to perfect moral character.

What should be the characteristics of a Muslim?

The first distinctive characteristic of Islam is its emphasis on correct basic faith, that is faith in Almighty Allah, as the One and Only Being, Who is the Creator, Sustainer and Master of the whole universe, Who alone is worthy of being worshipped and to Whom all of us have to return and account for our deeds done in …

Which is the best character of the Muslim?

The Quran describes Muhammad as being ‘on exalted quality of character’ (Q68:4) and refers to him as ‘an excellent example’ (Q33:21) which ultimately means that the religious and moral examples, set by Muhammad, are to be followed and cultivated by the Muslims in order to construct a morally good character.

What are the characteristics of a Muslim woman?

Women are often expected to be obedient wives and mothers staying within the family environment and men are expected to be protectors and caretakers of the family. However, the majority of Muslim scholars agree that women are not obligated to serve their husbands or do housework or do any kind of work at home.

What is the meaning of Islamic values?

There are three main kinds of values: (a) akhlāq, which refers to the duties and responsibilities set out in the shari’ah and in Islamic teaching generally; (b) adab, which refers to the manners associated with good breeding; and (c) the qualities of character possessed by a good Muslim, following the example of the …

What are Allah’s attributes?

Allah’s qualities

Quality Meaning
Beneficence All good
Immanence Throughout the universe
Merciful All forgiving/ compassionate
Omnipotence All powerful

What are other names attributed to Allah?

Among the names of Allah are the One and Only, the Living One, the Subsisting (al-Ḥayy al-Qayyūm), the Real Truth (al-Ḥaqq), the Sublime (al-ʿAẓīm), the Wise (al-Ḥakīm), the Omnipotent (al-ʿAzīz), the Hearer (al-Samīʿ), the Seer (al-Baṣīr), the Omniscient (al-ʿAlīm), the Witness (al-Shahīd), the Trustee (al-Wakīl), the …

What are the attributes of God?

The Westminster Shorter Catechism’s definition of God is an enumeration of his attributes: “God is a Spirit, infinite, eternal, and unchangeable in his being, wisdom, power, holiness, justice, goodness, and truth.” This answer has been criticised, however, as having “nothing specifically Christian about it.” The …

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