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What is the day of the resurrection?

What is the day of the resurrection?

Easter, which marks the resurrection of Jesus Christ after he was crucified on Good Friday, will be observed on Sunday, 4 April. Also known as Resurrection Sunday, the day commemorates the resurrection of Jesus.

What happens on the day of judgment?

Muslims believe that on a day decided by Allah , and known only to Allah, life on Earth will come to an end and Allah will destroy everything. On this day all the people who have ever lived will be raised from the dead and will face judgement by Allah.

What does the resurrection reveal?

Christians believe that the resurrection proves that Jesus is the Christ (Messiah) and the Son of God. Everything he said and did was true. They also believe that the resurrection means Jesus is still with us and is guiding us every day.

What is Jesus resurrection power?

Resurrection power is the Spirit of God, the life of God, the power of God. We will not be defeated by anything in this life. The resurrection of Jesus Christ shows us that the greatest power is God’s power, and nothing can overcome it.

What does the Bible say about the resurrection of Jesus?

Easter morning arrived with a holy hush, the day after the Sabbath, with little fanfare. The gospels pass over the Resurrection, and we never actually see Jesus waken, rub his eyes, stand and stretch. We don’t even see the rock that sealed the tomb actually rolled away. The joyous resurrection of Jesus happens off-stage, as it were.

What was the date of the Resurrection Day?

Contrary to these claims, the extraordinary events of that amazing day can be told in a clear and simple account. It was Sunday, the 5th April AD 33 [1], and the action began around dawn with exactly three women involved. 1.

Where did Mary and Mary go on Resurrection Day?

The Zebedee’s Jerusalem home was probably used for Jesus Last Supper, and as a base of operations for his disciples within the city of Jerusalem (Jn 19:27). Even before first light, Mary (Jesus friend) and Mary (Jesus Aunty), and Salome (the mother of Jesus friends) went to Jesus grave to put some perfumes on the body (Mark 16:1; Luke 24:1). [4]

Are there any discrepancies in the Gospels of resurrection?

Many detractors of the Christian message claim that the four accounts of Jesus resurrection contain discrepancies that are irreconcilable and so fatal to the Gospels authenticity and truth. Contrary to these claims, the extraordinary events of that amazing day can be told in a clear and simple account.

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