
What kinds of work might those living at the monastery do?

What kinds of work might those living at the monastery do?

Some worked the land farming food for the other monks to eat. Others washed the clothes, cooked the food, or did repairs around the monastery. Some monks were scribes and would spend their day copying manuscripts and making books. There were some specific jobs that were present in most monasteries in the Middle Ages.

Who lived in a monastery?

Monasteries are places where monks live. Although the word “monastery” is sometimes used for a place where nuns live, nuns usually live in a convent or nunnery. The word abbey (from the Syriac/Aramaic word abba: father) is also used for a Christian monastery or convent.

Who worked in abbeys?

The abbess (female) was the head of an abbey populated by nuns, and was the equivalent of the male abbot. The prior was the abbot’s deputy doing much of the organisational work within the monastery and was responsible for maintaining the discipline.

What is life in a monastery like?

In fact, the grind of life can be even more present in a monastery because everyone is expected to contribute in a series of repetitive duties. Monastic life is rhythmical, and monks hold that rhythm sacred. All services, meals, and chores are held at specific times with only occasional deviation.

Can a monk get married?

Buddhists monks choose not to marry and remain celibate while living in the monastic community. Monks do not have to spend the rest of their life in the monastery – they are completely free to re-enter mainstream society and some only spend a year as a monk.

Which church is not affiliated with an abbey or monastery?

Question: Question 3 Which church is NOT affiliated with an abbey or monastery? Fontenay Hildesheim Notre Dame la Grande Saint-Riquier Question 2:What property was NOT inherent to stone ceilings as they were being constructed in Romanesque churches?

What is the difference between an abbot and a prior?

Prior (or prioress) is an ecclesiastical title for a superior, usually lower in rank than an abbot or abbess. Its earlier generic usage referred to any monastic superior. The word is derived from the Latin for “earlier” or “first”.

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