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What purpose did a monk serve in the Buddhist religion?

What purpose did a monk serve in the Buddhist religion?

The monk serves as the representation of the religious soul: humility. As they live apart from society, they are seen as a reference for a righteous life.

What do the ideas of reincarnation and karma have in common?

What do the ideas or reincarnation and Karma have in common? Both have to do with the soul being reborn. Reincarnation is a belief that the soul is reborn into another form based on their Karma. Karma decides the form you will be reborn into.

Who were the most powerful Varnas?

Examples of what this represents are “Brahmans, who were derived from the head of Purush, are considered the intelligent and most powerful varna because of their wisdom and education and are a representation of the brain.

Can you be celibate if you’re not a virgin?

Most religions advise both the males and females to remain celibate until they take marital vows. Thus, celibacy is not the same as virginity. It is voluntary, and it can be practiced by those who have had intercourse before.

Which Varna is most powerful?

One of the most powerful Varnas was the Sudra. The Buddah did not consider himself a god. Enlightened people who do not enter heaven are called Bodhisattvas. During his time as ruler, Ashoka became more violent and warlike.

What role did Buddhist monasteries play in spreading Buddhism and promoting trade quizlet?

Buddhism and the Buddhist monasteries contributed to the development of th3 Silk Road and east-west trade by minting gold coins that were essential to pilgrims and to long distant acne trade. The monasteries also built sanghas at strategic points along the trade route.

What role did Buddhist monasteries play in spreading Buddhism?

The monasteries required large living areas. The monastery quickly became important and had a three-fold purpose: as a residence for monks, as a center for religious work (on behalf of the laity) and as a center for Buddhist learning.

Who are the monks and nuns of Buddhism?

Buddhist monasticism is one of the earliest surviving forms of organized monasticism and one of the fundamental institutions of Buddhism. Monks and nuns, called bhikkhu (Skt. bhikshu) and bhikkhuni (Skt. bhikshuni ), are responsible for the preservation and dissemination of the Buddha ‘s teaching and the guidance of Buddhist lay people.

How did Buddhism and Jainism help each other?

Both Buddhism and Jainism sought to attract the urban people for conversion. The Buddha and Mahavira frequently visited Banaras, Pataliputra and other popular cities to organize congregations and conversions, which must have led to some competition between the two communities for patronage, popularity and membership.

How does a Buddhist monastery differ from a Christian monastery?

In Buddhism and Christianity however, instead of statues, monks or nuns pray on behalf of the people. The monastery typically becomes the spiritual focus of the nearest town or village. In Christianity the monks pray for the salvation of the souls of the living.

Who was the founder of the Buddhist religion?

Buddhism originated as a renunciant tradition, practiced by ascetics who had departed from lay life. According to Buddhist tradition, the order of monks and nuns was founded by Gautama Buddha during his lifetime between the fifth and fourth centuries BCE when he accepted a group of fellow renunciants as his followers.

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