What Quran says about pregnancy?
What Quran says about pregnancy?
Allah (SWT) states in the Noble Qur`an, in Surat Al-Fatir, Verse 11: “And no female conceives or give birth except with His knowledge”. It is also narrated from the Prophet (pbuh): “If it is decided that Allah (SWT) will make a child be born, He will make him in whatever shape he likes”.
Is milk good when pregnant?
Milk or soy milk is a good source of calcium and protein and should be part of the pregnant woman’s diet. Calcium during pregnancy is particularly important in helping to build strong bones in the growing baby. If you are not able to take dairy products, try getting your calcium from other foods such as vegetables.
Which side should a pregnant woman sleep on in Islam?
Thus, many Muslims sleep on their right side, particularly, in the initial part of sleep. Muhammad said, “Whenever you go to bed, perform ablution like that for the prayer, and lie on your right side” [SM 2710).
Who made babies?
Babies are made when special cells called sperm (produced by men) combine with cells called ova (produced by women) in a process called conception. Each of these cells is produced by a process called meiosis which makes cells containing half the information of the parent.
What week in pregnancy do you start producing milk?
Colostrum is being produced from about 16-22 weeks of pregnancy, although many mothers are not aware that the milk is there since it may not be leaking or easy to express.
What kind of milk is best for pregnancy?
Non-fat or low-fat milk are healthier choices for pregnant women than reduced fat or whole- milk, which contain high amounts of saturated fat. If you don’t consume enough cal-‐ cium-rich foods during pregnancy, you will lose calcium from your bones to meet your baby’s needs for this mineral.
Can you suffocate your baby in the womb?
Because it’s normal for a fetus’s lungs to be filled with fluid, a fetus can’t drown in the womb. If there is a problem with the placenta or umbilical cord, there’s no other way for a developing baby to breathe.
Can a 7 year old get pregnant?
A woman becomes able to get pregnant when she ovulates for the first time — about 14 days before her first menstrual period. This happens to some women as early as when they are eight years old, or even earlier. Most often, ovulation begins before women turn 20.