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What tribe was Hur from in the Bible?

What tribe was Hur from in the Bible?

Tribe of Judah
Hur (also spelled Chur) (Hebrew: חור‎) was a companion of Moses and Aaron in the Hebrew Bible. He was a member of the Tribe of Judah. His identity remains unclear in the Torah itself, but it is elaborated in rabbinical commentary. Other individuals named Hur are also mentioned in the Bible.

What tribe is Elijah from?

tribe of Gad
Origin. Three different theories regarding Elijah’s origin are presented in the Aggadah literature: (1) he belonged to the tribe of Gad, (2) he was a Benjamite from Jerusalem, identical with the Elijah mentioned in 1 Chronicles 8:27, and (3) he was a priest.

Who were the sons of Levi?


Who was Aaron to Moses?

In Egypt, Aaron was a faithful companion to his brother Moses. He attempted to impress Pharaoh with magical signs, such as changing his rod into a serpent and inducing many of the plagues.

Who was Aaron in the tribe of Levi?

Aaron was the second child born to Amram and Yocheved more than 83 years before the Exodus. As members of the tribe of Levi, his family was exempt from the slavery that the rest of the Israelites were subject to (read: Why Didn’t Pharaoh Enslave the Tribe of Levi?

Who are the tribe of Levi in the Bible?

The Tribes. Related topics. According to the Bible, the Tribe of Levi is one of the tribes of Israel, traditionally descended from Levi, son of Jacob. The descendants of Aaron, who was the first kohen gadol (high priest) of Israel, were designated as the priestly class, the Kohanim.

Who was Hur in the Battle of Rephidim?

(1871) depicts Moses holding up his arms during the Battle of Rephidim, assisted by Hur (left) and Aaron. Hur (Hebrew: חור‎) was a companion of Moses and Aaron in the Hebrew Bible. He was a member of the Tribe of Judah.

Who are the descendants of Hur in the Bible?

The Bible in Exodus 38:22 states explicitly Hur’s descendants: “And Bezalel son of Uri, son of Hur…”, but not directly his parental lineage, except that he was from the tribe of Judah. According to Rabbinic tradition, Hur was the son of Miriam, thus Moses and Aaron’s nephew.

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