
What were the Jews first impressions of the German officers when they came to live in their households?

What were the Jews first impressions of the German officers when they came to live in their households?

Their first impressions are that the Germans are polite, respectful, and peaceful.

What happened to the prisoners who remained at the infirmary when Buna was evacuated?

“Let’s hope we won’t regret it, Eliezer.” AFTER THE WAR, I learned the fate of those who had remained at the infirmary. They were, quite simply, liberated by the Russians, two days after the evacuation. After some deliberation, Elie decides that they would be better off being evacuated with the rest of the prisoners.

What did Akiba Drumer ask the others to do when he died?

Akiba Drumer asked the others to say the Kaddish for him after he had gone. The others promised that they would, but when the time came, they forgot. When he was indeed selected, Akiba Drumer said that in three days he would no longer be there, and asked only that the others say the Kaddish for him.

What did German soldiers think of American soldiers in World War II?

At least initially, Germans regarded British and American soldiers (especially Americans) as somewhat amateurish, although their opinion of American, British, and Empire troops grew as the war progressed. German certainly saw shortcomings in the ways the Allied used infantry.

How did the Jews of Germany survive the deportations?

By this time, mass deportations had left fewer than 20,000 Jews in Germany. Some survived because they were married to non-Jews or because race laws classified them as Mischlinge (of mixed ancestry, or part Jewish) and were thus temporarily exempt from deportation.

Why did the Jews leave Germany in 1938?

The events of 1938 caused a dramatic increase in Jewish emigration. The German annexation of Austria in March, the increase in personal assaults on Jews during the spring and summer, the nationwide Kristallnacht (“Night of Broken Glass”) pogrom

What did the Germans know about the diary?

The writings got a big break in 2005, when the George Bush Presidential Library exhibited portions of the diary for public viewing. That endorsement helped bring about the German publication of the diary, which Der Spiegel said presented a “challenging” but essential narrative of wartime Germany.

Where did the majority of the Jews in Germany live?

The Jewish population was predominantly urban and approximately one-third of German Jews lived in Berlin. The initial response to the Nazi takeover was a substantial wave of emigration (37,000–38,000), much of it to neighboring European countries (France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Denmark, Czechoslovakia, and Switzerland).

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