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Where did the Essenes live?

Where did the Essenes live?

The Essenes were a Jewish community who lived in the desert near the western shores of the Dead Sea and in the towns of Judaea.

Who were the Essenes in Judaism?

Like the Pharisees, the Essenes meticulously observed the Law of Moses, the sabbath, and ritual purity. They also professed belief in immortality and divine punishment for sin. But, unlike the Pharisees, the Essenes denied the resurrection of the body and refused to immerse themselves in public life.

What were the Essenes known for?

Historically, the Essenes were a Jewish sect active before and during Jesus’ lifetime — the time of the Second Temple in Judaism. They lived in communities scattered across biblical Judea and were known for their sharp asceticism and dedication.

Where did the Jews live in the first century?

By the beginning of the first century AD, Jews had spread from their homeland in Judaea across the Mediterranean and there were major Jewish communities in Syria, Egypt, and Greece. Practicing a very different religion from that of their neighbors, they were often unpopular. Jews had lived in Rome since the second century BC.

What was the location of the Jewish diaspora?

Pre-20th Century Maps The Roman Empire Jewish Exile after Temple Destruction Jewish Diaspora The Land of Israel Palestine in the Time of Christ Illustrating the Four Gospels The Roman Empire The Eastern Roman Empire The Roman Empire Second & Third Crusades Crusader States The Levant Under Ottoman Rule The Fourth Crusade “Psalter Map”

What did the Jews of the dispersion speak?

As a result of war, exile, trade, and business the Jews were dispersed throughout the Empire. The Jews of the Dispersion, designated Diaspora, practiced the same religion but at the same time were distinct from the Jews in Judea. They spoke Greek while the Jews of Judea usually spoke Hebrew or Aramaic.

What was the center of Jewish life in Jerusalem?

Mosaic sacrifices were only offered in the Jerusalem Temple. The synagogue became the center of all Jewish life including a place for political meetings, school for Jewish children, and a courtroom. Jewish families were usually large. Boys were more valued than girls were.

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