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Which statement best describes the role of the Roman Catholic Church during the Middle Ages?

Which statement best describes the role of the Roman Catholic Church during the Middle Ages?

Which statement best describes the role of the Roman Catholic Church in Europe during the Middle Ages? The Church provided a sense of stability, unity, and order.

What term best describes the social economic and political system that best dictated medieval European life?

Terms in this set (31) Which political system is best described in the outline below? guild system of Europe in the Middle Ages.

What is a valid statement concerning the Catholic Church during the Middle Ages?

A valid statement concerning the Catholic Church during the Middle Ages is that it became very rich and powerful during that time.

Which political system is best described in the outline below i a decentralized government based on loyalty and service code of chivalry military elite?

The answer is feudalism. This was a mix of lawful and armed customs in feudal Europe that succeeded between the 9th and 15th centuries. Approximately defined, it was a method of constructing society everywhere relationships resulting from the allotment of land in exchange for service or work.

What statement best describes the Middle Ages?

Answer Expert Verified. n the history of Europe, the Middle Ages or medieval period lasted from the 5th to the 15th century. It began with the fall of the Western Roman Empire and merged into the Renaissance and the Age of Discovery. So C Would be the correct answer.

How did monasticism influence everyday life in the Middle Ages?

Monasticism became quite popular in the Middle Ages, with religion being the most important force in Europe. Monks and nuns were to live isolated from the world to become closer to God. Monks provided service to the church by copying manuscripts, creating art, educating people, and working as missionaries.

What is the best economic system?

Capitalism is the world’s greatest economic success story. It is the most effective way to provide for the needs of people and foster the democratic and moral values of a free society. Yet the worst recession in decades has widely–and understandably–shaken people’s faith in our system.

What best describes the manorial system?

Manorialism, also called manorial system, seignorialism, or seignorial system, political, economic, and social system by which the peasants of medieval Europe were rendered dependent on their land and on their lord.

How did the bubonic plague spread from Asia to Europe?

The medieval Silk Road brought a wealth of goods, spices, and new ideas from China and Central Asia to Europe. In 1346, the trade also likely carried the deadly bubonic plague that killed as many as half of all Europeans within 7 years, in what is known as the Black Death.

Which statement about the bubonic plague in Europe Asia and Africa is accurate?

The correct answer is 1) It followed trade routes. The statement about the bubonic plague in Europe, Asia, and Africa that is accurate is “It followed trade routes.”

Which circumstance best describes a long term result of the Crusades?

Which circumstance best describes a long-term result of the Crusades? Muslim control of Jerusalem ended. Feudalism began in western Europe. Cultural exchanges between the Middle East and Europe grew.

How did the bubonic plague affected economic development in medieval times by?

The plague had an important effect on the relationship between the lords who owned much of the land in Europe and the peasants who worked for the lords. As people died, it became harder and harder to find people to plow fields, harvest crops, and produce other goods and services. Peasants began to demand higher wages.

What statement best describes the Knight’s actions?

The statement that best describes the knight’s actions is the second option “He is intimidating and challenging the assembled group” because in this part of the novel the Green knight interrupts a feast that King Arthur shares along with his guests from his court, and since the Green knight wants to meet the person in …

Which statements best describes the role of the Church in the Middle Ages?

Which statement best describes the role of the Catholic Church in Western Europe during the Middle Ages? The Church encouraged individuals to question authority. The Church provided a sense of unity and a source of learning. Church leaders were only involved in spiritual activities.

How did medieval monasteries benefit society?

Monasteries were a place where travelers could stay during the Middle Ages as there were very few inns during that time. They also helped to feed the poor, take care of the sick, and provided education to boys in the local community.

How did monks contribute to society?

Monks provided service to the church by copying manuscripts, creating art, educating people, and working as missionaries. Convents were especially appealing to women. It was the only place they would receive any sort of education or power. It also let them escape unwanted marriages.

Which country has the best economic system?

Best Countries Overall Rank: 1

  • Switzerland.
  • Canada.
  • Germany.
  • Denmark.
  • Japan.
  • Australia.
  • Sweden.
  • Netherlands.

Which of the following best describes feudalism?

Feudalism was a set of legal and military customs in medieval Europe that flourished between the 9th and 15th centuries. It can be broadly defined as a system for structuring society around relationships derived from the holding of land, known as a fiefdom or fief, in exchange for service or labour.

What is Manoryalismo?

Manorialism, also known as the manor system or manorial system, was the method of land ownership (or “tenure”) in parts of Europe, notably England, during the Middle Ages. Manorialism originated in the Roman villa system of the Late Roman Empire, and was widely practiced in medieval western and parts of central Europe.

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