
Who is the Roman god Lares?

Who is the Roman god Lares?

Lar, plural Lares, in Roman religion, any of numerous tutelary deities. They were originally gods of the cultivated fields, worshipped by each household at the crossroads where its allotment joined those of others.

Who was Penates?

Penates, formally Di Penates, household gods of the Romans and other Latin peoples. In the narrow sense, they were gods of the penus (“household provision”), but by extension their protection reached the entire household.

What does Lares and Penates mean?

household gods
1 : household gods. 2 : personal or household effects.

What are the Lares?

Lares (/ˈlɛəriːz, ˈleɪriːz/ LAIR-eez, LAY-reez, Latin: [ˈlareːs]; archaic Lasēs, singular Lar) were guardian deities in ancient Roman religion. Their cult officials included freedmen and slaves, otherwise excluded by status or property qualifications from most administrative and religious offices.

What is penates the god of?

The Penates, originally honored as gods of the pantry, eventually became guardians of the entire household. They were associated with Vesta, the goddess of the hearth or household fireplace. The main function of the Penates was to ensure the family’s welfare and prosperity.

What does Vesta stand for?

Vestanoun. The Roman equivalent of the Greek goddess Hestia. Etymology: From the vestale, (to dwell, stay, similar in idea to the Greek hestia.) Vesta itself came to mean chaste, pure, or virgin, based from this goddess.

What is Vesta God?

Vesta was the goddess of the hearth, the home, and domestic life in the Roman religion (idenitified with the Greek goddess Hestia). She was the first-born of the titans Kronos and Rhea and, like the others, was swallowed by her father. Sacrifices to the gods of the home were made by the fire and thrown into the flames.

What is a wax Vesta?

A vesta case, or simply a “vesta” is a small box made to house wax, or “strike anywhere”, matches. It consisted of a wax stem with embedded cotton threads and a tip of phosphorus. Newton named his matches after Vesta, the Roman goddess of fire and the hearth.

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