
Who is to blame in Frankenstein?

Who is to blame in Frankenstein?

In Frankenstein, Mary Shelley explores at least three aspects of responsibility: Victor’s responsibility for the deadly actions committed by his creation and the threat the creature’s existence poses to his family, friends, and, Victor fears, the entire world; Victor’s responsibility to his creation for the creature’s …

Who does Victor blame for the deaths of William and Justine?

However, Victor’s true responsibility in the deaths of his brother and Justine was due to his inability to care for the creature he created. Immediately after the creation of the creature, Victor felt breathless horror and disgust filled [his] heart (Vol.

Who is responsible for William’s death?

Is anyone other than the murderer responsible for what happened? Justine is at fault for William’s death. Victor is also responsible for what happened because he created the creature that killed William. 10.

Is Justine responsible for William’s death?

The murder of young William also shows Victor’s increasing culpability in the deaths of those around him. Justine is accused of the murder due to the evidence that was found in her possession. By creating the monster, Victor is indirectly responsible for William’s death.

Why is Justine blamed for William’s death?

In the end, Justine confesses to William’s murder because her confessor (priest) pressures her to do so. To get her to confess, the priest threatened her with excommunication and the fires of hell. Because of her confession, she is hanged for the murder, much to the distress of both Elizabeth and Victor.

Why did Frankenstein kill Henry?

The two part in Scotland, when Victor begins work on a mate for the Creature. After he destroys his new creation, Frankenstein is arrested for the murder of Clerval (3.4. 3), apparently killed by the Creature as punishment for Frankenstein’s unwillingness to complete his work.

Why does Elizabeth blame herself for the tragedy?

In chapter seven of Frankenstein, Elizabeth blames herself for William’s murder because she gave him the gold locket.

Why does Justine confess to the crime?

Why did Justine confess to the murder? Justine confesses to the crime, believing that she will thereby gain salvation, but tells Elizabeth and Victor that she is innocent—and miserable. Justine confesses to the murder of William so that she could be forgiven, by God, for all of the sins she had committed in her life.

How does Justine die in Frankenstein?

Justine carries herself calmly at the trial, answering the charges and getting a sterling defence from Elizabeth. Although Justine proclaims her innocence, she is convicted of the crime. Her sentence is to die by hanging the following day.

Why did Justine plead guilty in Frankenstein?

Justine lives with the Frankenstein family as a servant after her mother dies. When William is murdered, the monster puts a photograph that William was carrying in her pocket, and she is accused of murder. She confesses falsely to the crime out of fear of going to Hell. She is executed.

Why does Elizabeth think Justine is innocent?

She is sure that Justine cannot be guilty of William’s murder due to her very character and nature. Elizabeth feels that she knows Justine as well as she knows herself, and she is certain that Justine is innocent of this terrible crime.

What are Elizabeth’s last words to Justine?

What is amazing in the ensuing conversation is Justine’s claim of innocence and her calm demeanor even in the face of death — in her words, “I do not fear to die, that pang is past.” Victor hides in the corner of the prison cell, where he “could conceal the horrid anguish that possessed” him.

What is the evidence against Justine in Frankenstein?

The strongest evidence against Justine was William’s locket that was found in her possession. She also had no alibi to corroborate her whereabouts on the day and at the time of the murder. Victor knew she was innocent, but he was afraid of telling the truth because it involved exposing the monster that he created.

What does Justine symbolize in Frankenstein?

Justine’s role in Frankenstein is to examine the injustice of the execution of the innocent, and to consider the importance of love and acceptance in the form of nurturing. The Creature is ostracized by society, but Justine is loved by the Frankenstein family. The unloved Creature becomes a monster.

Why does Frankenstein not defend Justine?

Justine’s assertion is INCORRECT. She believes she does not have any enemies, and believes that her character and behavior to this point in her life will set her free. She can’t believe someone so evil as to deliberately destroy her.

What is the purpose of Elizabeth in Frankenstein?

Elizabeth is the one who keeps the family together after Caroline dies. Elizabeth survives the scarlet fever plague that takes Caroline. She writes to Victor while at school and tells him what is going on with the family. She is the source for information for Victor when he is away at the university.

Why did the creature want Justine to suffer?

The creature wanted Justine to suffer because he knew that she would be horrified and scream upon seeing him. Instead of giving her the chance to make him feel bad, he framed her so she would suffer.

How does the creature describe himself?

How does the creature describe his first days of life? The creature describes his first days of life very unpleasant by the way he is treated and confused by his surroundings. The creature is confused to see the cottagers crying because he thinks they have everything and thought they were happy.

How does the monster feel about himself?

How does the monster feel about his own appearance? He is surprised and pleased. He cannot stop looking at himself. He is shocked by how ugly he is.

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