
Why do we think men are all the same?

Why do we think men are all the same?

Men are all the same and we don’t think that because of stereotypes. We know it because of how they treat us. They’re self centered and useless and treat women like garbage. They’re just a trash group of animals.

What makes a woman different from a man?

The male and female bodies are very similar, with the main differences being a woman’s obvious feminine features and the differences between our genitals. Obvious feminine features include her hips, her breasts, some facial features and her genitals.

Why do women like nice guys so much?

Nothing in life happens the way it happens in the movies, but we cling to hope that it will someday turn out like that. And nice guys think they can win girls over by doing things like showing up unexpectedly with food and flowers without discussing it with the woman first. Yeah, in theory that is great, but women have things to get done.

Is it true that women are attracted to good looking guys?

Most good looking guys who experience that type of reaction from women that they’re attracted to assume that it means the woman isn’t attracted to them. In some cases, that is true.

Men are all the same and we don’t think that because of stereotypes. We know it because of how they treat us. They’re self centered and useless and treat women like garbage. They’re just a trash group of animals.

Nothing in life happens the way it happens in the movies, but we cling to hope that it will someday turn out like that. And nice guys think they can win girls over by doing things like showing up unexpectedly with food and flowers without discussing it with the woman first. Yeah, in theory that is great, but women have things to get done.

Are there things women do that men don’t like?

According to Femail’s sex and relationships expert Tracey Cox, there’s a whole host of things women do during sex that men can’t stand – and vice versa. Read on to find out if you’re guilty of committing a sexual faux pas at a crucial moment… Sex expert Tracey Cox has revealed ten things women do in bed that men hate (file photo)

Is it true that boys are more emotional than girls?

It’s true that because girls are viewed as more emotional, our emotions are seen as more acceptable to express in public, while phrases like, “Man up!” tell boys to keep their feelings, whether it’s sadness or excitement, hidden away. Here’s the deal: boys are just as emotional as girls, but a lot of times, they don’t show it.

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