
Why is Mary so important in Catholic belief?

Why is Mary so important in Catholic belief?

Mary as the masterwork of God The Catechism of the Catholic Church, in paragraphs 721–726, claims that Mary is the first dwelling-place of God in salvation history. As such, she is the masterwork of God and the start of God bringing mankind into communion with Jesus.

How can Mary help us as she helped Jesus?

In becoming the human mother of God, Mary performed her concretizing function: she enabled God to become accessible to our senses, as she allowed God to become tangible. Second, as the human collaborator of the Holy Spirit in the Incarnation, Mary helps us to get a sense of God’s action and presence in our world.

How can Mary help us?

What is so great about Mary?

Mary is a prime example of a woman of faith. She allowed God to use her and submitted to His will no matter what the cost.

What has Mary taught us?

To reflect on this great moment in history, here are 3 practical lessons we can learn from Mary:

  • Be prepared to be used by God. As an unmarried young woman from Nazareth, Mary has a very low social status, but God doesn’t care about that.
  • Put your faith in God.
  • Live your life as a servant of the Lord.

    How did Mary Help Jesus?

    Mary’s submission to God’s plan would cost her dearly, yet she was willing to be God’s servant. God knew that Mary was a woman of rare strength. She was the only human being to be with Jesus throughout his entire life—from birth until death. She gave birth to Jesus as her baby and watched him die as her Savior.

    Why did God choose Mary as the mother of Jesus?

    According to Christian Catholic doctrine, because she was predestined to be God’s mother, because she was conceived and lived without sins, and because she was the right woman for the job in the right place and moment, being full of grace, faith, virtue, closeness to God and strength of purpose.

    Why was Mary the chosen one?

    She made the same mistakes, and committed some of the same sins as anyone else, but God chose to bless her by allowing her to deliver the perfect lamb. She also had the God-given strength to endure the trials that would surely go along with being the mother of Jesus.

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