
Why was Martin Luther King an influential leader?

Why was Martin Luther King an influential leader?

Martin Luther King’s view on nonviolence and equality and his enormous effect on the citizens of America makes him the most influential person of the twentieth century. King can be considered influential in his preaching of nonviolent protest during the civil rights movement.

What heroic traits does Martin Luther King have?

He was determined, hardworking, tolerant, and compassionate throughout his life. He showed perseverance through thick and thin. I could fill up a whole page on the traits he had that make him an astonishing hero.

Why was Martin Luther King Jr such an effective leader in the civil rights movement quizlet?

Why was Martin Luther King Jr. such an effective leader in the civil rights movement? He was able to inspire both African Americans and whites. What was the purpose of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC), formed by Martin Luther King Jr.

What did Martin Luther King do for the civil rights movement quizlet?

He organized a boycott of the Montgomery Bus System. No black person used a bus in Montgomery for 382 days. In the end the Supreme Court decided to stop segregation on public transport. After this victory MLK was famous.

What was Martin Luther King Jr’s role in the civil rights movement quizlet?

Martin Luther King, Jr. was an African-American clergyman who advocated social change through non-violent means. A powerful speaker and a man of great spiritual strength, he shaped the American civil rights movement of the 1950s and 1960s.

How did Martin Luther King Jr’s beliefs and influences affect the civil rights movement quizlet?

Unlike some other civil rights activists, King mixed his activism with a pacifist interpretation of Christianity. This helped him acquire a large following that had the goal of overcoming and overthrowing the unjust policies of segregation and discrimination against black Americans.

How does Martin Luther affect us today?

Martin Luther has an impact on our lives today. One impact is that the Bible is printed in many languages. The Roman Catholic Church only allowed the Bible to be printed in Latin. By printing the Bible in other languages, more people would be able to read and understand it.

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