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Why was Yocheved called shifrah in the Bible?

Why was Yocheved called shifrah in the Bible?

Yocheved was known by two other names. In the beginning of the book of Exodus ( Shemot) she is called Shifrah, which means “Beautiful.” She was so called because she would make Jewish children beautiful and healthy by the good care she gave them.

How old was Yocheved when her father died?

Yocheved married her nephew Amram, a grandson of her father. Her father died when Yocheved was 93 or 94 years old, for Levi was the last of Jacob’s twelve sons to die (in the year 2331 or 2332). It was then that the troubled times began for her people.

What did Yocheved do for the children of Israel?

It was then that the cruel Pharaoh ordered that all newly born baby boys of the children of Israel be put to death. Yocheved was the chief Jewish nurse in Egypt. She was a great lover of Jewish children, and devoted all her time to helping young Jewish mothers and their newly born babies.

Who was the daughter of Jacob and Yocheved?

Yocheved was the daughter of Levi, Jacob’s son. She was born at the very moment when Jacob and his entire household, Levi and his wife among them, had just entered the gates of Egypt. That was in the year 2238 after Creation.

Who are the children of Yocheved in the Bible?

Yocheved is first seen with her two children, Miriam and Aaron while holding Baby Moses. She wraps him up and puts him in the basket. With Aaron and Miriam, she rushes through Egypt and manages to escape to the river.

Who is Yocheved in the Prince of Egypt?

Yocheved is the major character birth mother of Moses, Miriam, & Aaron in The Prince of Egypt. She looks like and is voiced by the late Ofra Haza. Yocheved was a kind and motherly woman. She loved all of her children dearly and proved this when she risked her life to save her youngest child, Moses, from Pharaoh Seti I ‘s soldiers.

Yocheved was known by two other names. In the beginning of the book of Exodus ( Shemot) she is called Shifrah, which means “Beautiful.” She was so called because she would make Jewish children beautiful and healthy by the good care she gave them.

How did Yocheved save the life of Moses?

With Aaron and Miriam, she rushes through Egypt and manages to escape to the river. There she blesses her baby for the last time and sets him adrift, crying as she does. Years later, when Moses meets Miriam for the first time, Miriam mentions Yocheved (who has passed away) and how she had saved Moses’ life.

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