
What happens if a co tenant is late on rent?

What happens if a co tenant is late on rent?

If your co-tenant is more than three weeks late and you don’t pay her part of the rent, the landlord can ask the Tribunal administratif du logement (TAL, formerly Régie du logement or rental board) to cancel the lease. On the other hand, if the obligation to pay the rent is solidary, then the landlord can request the full rent from each co-tenant.

Who is a co-tenant in a rental agreement?

A co-tenant is a secondary tenant that is part of the rental agreement. A tenant, co-tenant, and landlord will all be in the same rental agreement in most cases, but there are some situations where each tenant has their own individual lease with the landlord.

How long can a tenant stay after the lease expires?

You should remind your tenant that their lease is ending at least 60 days before the last day of the term. It may even be a good idea to send another reminder closer to the date to ensure that they are aware of their requirements for move-out. If the tenant somehow ends up staying past the lease term, don’t accept any rent payments from them.

Is it better to keep co tenants on same lease?

For that reason, most landlords find that it is better to keep co-tenants on the same lease in most cases. While it can be hard for the co-tenants if one of them stops paying rent, your position will be more financially secure.

What happens after a one year lease expires?

After a standard one year lease, most landlords will either let the lease expire, in which case it will default to a month to month rental agreement or have their tenant sign another lease. The benefits of a one-year lease renewal agreement are pretty obvious since you get to increase rent if you desire and lock in the same tenant for another year.

Can a holdover tenant stay after the lease expires?

A holdover tenant is a tenant who stays in the rental unit after the lease expires. If the tenant continues to pay rent, the tenancy essentially becomes a month-to-month tenancy. A holdover tenant is legally allowed to stay in the rental unit as long as the landlord takes no action to remove them.

Can a landlord terminate a tenancy if a cotenant leaves early?

The landlord may terminate the tenancy because even one cotenant’s leaving early violates the lease: All cotenants named in the lease agreed to stay in the rental for a certain amount of time. In practice, however, landlords often allow the other cotenants to stay when they continue to pay rent on time and maintain the other promises in the lease.

When does a landlord allow a cotenant to stay?

In practice, however, landlords often allow the other cotenants to stay when they continue to pay rent on time and maintain the other promises in the lease. So, if you want to stay after one cotenant breaks the lease, the landlord will probably not terminate the tenancy unless:

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