10 Best Examples of Extremely Fabulous Contact Pages
While designing a website, we need to take care of each and every aspect, from header to footer, or from landing page to even contact page. Make sure that the entire design is great all the way through. A website contact page may seem to be quite insignificant, but do remember it is the only gateway for your online visitors to get in touch with you.
The main purpose of contact page is to enable your existing & potential customers or clients to talk to you or inquire about your services. Ultimately, it generates potential business for your firm. Every visitor at your site must have a chance to get in touch with you and have easy to locate and operate contact page at their disposal. Just a single click on ‘Contact us’ clearly indicates whether you really want to be contacted or not. Make sure that it is unique & engaging as this specific section can get the user’s attention or scare them away and you may loseyour customers.
We have put together 10 sites with excellent contact pages and forms that you would love to peek as inspirations:
CSSChopper has done a wonderful job by creating good balance and zero clutter on the contact page with various facets including links to social media, frequently asked questions, etc. They really love to hear from you. This is why they have displayed the contact information and contact form at the top.
No-refresh has an innovative spin on the contact page. Along with the contact numbers and the location address, the highlighted contact form suggests these to be the best way to contact them. They have beautifully maintained the consistency of their brand throughout the site.
It is extremely beneficial to utilize contacts forms efficiently on your website. Everyone rarely do it, but it is quite important part of your site. Fhoke has incorporated two forms on the contact page. This is because Fhoke knows some people just like to say hi and others want to jump directly to start projects. It is a great way of understanding your audience needs and catering to them.
You can observe that the trend of utilizing area maps by designers and developers to show the locations is growing rapidly, which is really a good trick. One of the best parts about Welikesmall is their usage of a real sky shot of their exact location. At the top of it, they have used an innovative way to showcase all the necessary contact information.
Let’s Travel Somewhere
Since, there is a theme based on travel, this is the best way to present the contact information by putting it precisely on the postcard. This is a wonderful project that captures distinct countries and cultures through photography. It really makes sense and works well with the theme of this beautiful website.
Sweet Basil
Sweet Basil is a beautiful restaurant in Colorado that loves to create innovative yet delicious dishes for their patrons. The contact information is a simple yet nice idea that meshes a contact form and a map.
Cobble Hill
Everything on this contact page fits perfectly with the design direction of whole website. You can see an illustrated handmade map, contact form and icons that can draw you in as well.
Evolve Artistic
It is extremely important to understand why visitors would contact you. Aware of their audience’s queries about projects, evolve artistic has incorporated some pointers for contacting them.
It is important to make sure that the consistency of your brand is maintained throughout your site, which is really not easy. However, Combadi has done a great job by making a consistent looking page.
As far as the design is concern, the overall design here is just fabulous, it draws you in and allows you to take keen interest on every presented information.
An effective contact page not only enables you to communicate with your potential customers, but also helps ensure the deal before an email is sent.
David Meyer is a talented web developer at Webgranth, which is renowned to deliver top-qualityweb development solutions. He likes to share knowledge and creative ideas through various blogs and articles.