
10 Cybersecurity Myths That Every Organization Should Know

10 Cybersecurity Myths That Every Organization Should Know

Cybersecurity has become the buzzword when it comes to organizational security and threat mitigation. In a world where every transaction and every idea gets a commonplace on the internet, coming up with technical authentications doesn’t seem to be a waste of investment. Businesses are investing millions with MSP for energy sector today to come up with safe and secure online platforms. IT giants like Google and Apple are even paying millions to ethical hackers to point in the direction of a threat. However, there have been several misconceptions attached to the term Cybersecurity and how we perceive the same. Here are 10 of those:

Just another IT issue

It’s a common practice to earmark online threats as issues that needs and can only be dealt by the IT team. However, we need to understand that the treat percolates every vertical in an organization, regardless of the vertical or the core business process. The moment information is digitized; you need to come up with systems to protect its integrity.

A separate category of risk

Cybersecurity encompasses everything – from your credit card information on shopping portals to intellectual property information to company databases. Treating it as a separate form of risk will only deviate the attention is so clearly demands.

It’s enough to protect your data

Cybersecurity is something that we, as a community need to address together. Consequently, you need to take steps to protect everyone’s information, from vendors to customers to your subsidiaries. Most times, the weak link is always beyond the walls.

Physical and digital security is different things

While the world is getting automated, even an elevator malfunction can cause you damage that is physical. Cybersecurity threats can lead to tremendous inconvenience, sometimes leading to physical damages.

Going back to the paper transaction is a way out

This would be like saying we can go back to living in caves because constructing homes is expensive. We are on the way to become a more efficient civilization and like any other step forward, digitization comes with its own set of risks.

It’s embarrassing to get hacked

Top companies including servers and websites of organizations like NASA are getting hacked regularly. It’s no embarrassment but a lesson to identify and strengthen the security measures.

Antivirus is enough

Antivirus that might work today will be outdated a week from now. Just as technology is improving every day, so are the hackers with their skills. After all, it’s the same technology they use to meet their malicious ends. Cybersecurity should thus be constantly updated and improved.

Cybersecurity is a kind of defense

Barely true, it’s more of a shortsighted view. Cybersecurity is aimed at mitigating threats but at the end of the day, it’s about keeping your information confidential and thus saves you money and time.

New age IoT devices automatically address cyber threats

Again, it is necessary to understand that threats are evolving alongside our technology. Security should always be at the forefront of your design.

You can never get hacked!

That is just a dumb thought. There is no guarantee that your information won’t be breached. It is wise to be prepared for all kinds of eventuality.

Cyber threats are as real as the air we breathe to live. It is necessary that we understand the implication to keep ourselves and our businesses safe.

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