
Are there any Jews of color in the Jewish community?

Are there any Jews of color in the Jewish community?

Yet when the research team began systematically examining Jewish population studies and the means by which those studies collected data on American Jews, they found population studies with persistent shortcomings resulting in Jews of Color being undercounted, miscounted, or not counted at all. This dearth of reliable findings surprised us.

Who are the original Black Jews in the Bible?

The prophet Jesus was a Black Jew who was born during this time. The Roman-Jewish War in 66 A.D. marked the peak of this persecution and the end of the original Black Jews (Hebrew-Israelites) as a nation. As predicted by Jesus, in this war Jerusalem was overthrown, the Temple was destroyed and the Black Hebrews were scattered.

Where did the original Jewish people come from?

I assume by “original Jews” you mean the Israelites, as modern Jews are descended from them and are still very much Jewish. Jews are a tribal people originating from Ancient Levant (Modern day Israel, Palestine, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and Jordan).

Who are the descendants of the original Jews?

African Americans are largely descendants of the original Black Jews! The original Biblical Jews were Black African people who were ruthlessly persecuted by the white man (Romans). The prophet Jesus was a Black Jew who was born during this time.

Our community exists in a world where anyone with a darker skin tone is marginalized. Jews who have African, Middle Eastern, Latino and Asian heritage face discrimination and underrepresentation in Jewish life. For many, calling Jews with pale skin “white” acknowledges the disparities we face.

What kind of skin did the Jews have?

By calling themselves white, it is a relative term contrasting the blackness from the famine. It should be understood that the Jews were of a lighter intermediate skin tone, not white as the Anglo-Saxon, nor black as Africans, not even brown as those of the modern Middle East from Arabia or India.

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