
How can music define you?

How can music define you?

It can make us think, feel and act. It can be a deeply meaningful and profound experience that leaves us pondering life’s greater mysteries. And sometimes it’s just entertainment, in the way a sitcom is entertainment, or a video game, or anything else you enjoy doing purely for fun, like reading a spy novel.

What exactly is music?

General definitions of music include common elements such as pitch (which governs melody and harmony), rhythm (and its associated concepts tempo, meter, and articulation), dynamics (loudness and softness), and the sonic qualities of timbre and texture (which are sometimes termed the “color” of a musical sound).

What is the two types of music?

Music can be divided into different genres in varying ways, such as into popular music and art music, or religious music and secular music. The artistic nature of music means that these classifications are often subjective and controversial, and some genres may overlap.

How is music created?

HOW IS MUSIC CREATED? Instruments generate sounds, as does the human voice. Some sounds with a specific PITCH are called notes. These sounds are then grouped to create RHYTHM and MELODY.

Who started music?


Why do we enjoy music?

We like music because it makes us feel good. Using magnetic resonance imaging they showed that people listening to pleasurable music had activated brain regions called the limbic and paralimbic areas, which are connected to euphoric reward responses, like those we experience from sex, good food and addictive drugs.

What is unique about music?

Music is Unique in Using Almost All of the Brain. Playing, listening, and creating music involves most cognitive skills and uses most of the brain. There is evidence that training in music stimulates unique brain capacities.

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