
How did the vernacular help spread learning?

How did the vernacular help spread learning?

How did the use of the vernacular help spread learning? The use of vernacular help spread learning because, At this time, most writers were still using Latin. During the Crusades, contact with Muslims helped increase learning. Muslim scholars had preserved books from ancient Rome and Greece.

What 3 practices showed the Church needed reforming?

1. What three practices showed the Church needed reforming? The three practices such as the marriage of priests, simony; or the selling of positions in the Church and the appointment of bishops by kings showed that the Church needed reforming.

What powerful punishments could the church hand down?

Chapter 13 Test

Question Answer
What powerful punishments could the Church hand down? Excommunicated from the Church and denied the chance for eternal life in heaven.
Why did Henry IV beg Pope Gregory VII for forgiveness? He was excommunicated for saying the pope had no real authority.

What did the decisions of the English Royal Courts of Justice create?

What did the decisions of the english royal courts of justice create? How did the battle of Hastings change the course if English history? It resulted in a Norman becoming king instead of an anglo-saxon. It layed the foundation for a centralized government.

What is the effect of vernacular?

Since vernacular language made it easier to convert people to Christianity, it was eventually used over Latin. Technological advances, which helped spread vernacular language and lead to increased literacy rates were essential. There were several factors responsible for the rise of vernacular language.

What was Italy’s most important advantage Why?

Italy had three advantages that made it the birthplace of the Renaissance: thriving cities, a wealthy merchant class, and the classical heritage of Greece and Rome.

What powerful punishments did the church use to keep Christians in line?

The Inquisition was a powerful office set up within the Catholic Church to root out and punish heresy throughout Europe and the Americas.

Why was the church so important in the lives of the people during the Middle Ages?

In the Middle Ages, the Church provided for the religious aspects of people’s lives – baptism of babies, marriages, confession, the last rites for the dying and burying the dead.

Why is it important for writers to use vernacular?

The creation of the printing press (using movable type) by Johannes Gutenberg in the 1450s encouraged authors to write in their local vernacular rather than in Greek or Latin classical languages, widening the reading audience and promoting the spread of Renaissance ideas.

What was the importance of the use of vernacular?

The Role and Importance of Vernacular The word “vernacular” helps express that the language used is that of a specific group, especially when it is different from the standard language used in that setting. The use of vernacular honors diverse cultures and helps you understand them.

What were the 5 Italian city states?

The five major city-states: Milan, Florence, Venice, Naples, and the Papal States will be explained in detail.

What was the Reformation and why did it happen?

The Reformation began in 1517 when a German monk called Martin Luther protested about the Catholic Church. Many people and governments adopted the new Protestant ideas, while others remained faithful to the Catholic Church. This led to a split in the Church.

What were the three key elements of the Catholic Reformation?

The three key elements of the Catholic Reformation were : the founding of the Jesuits, the formation of the papacy and the Council of Trent.

What was the bargain made between a lord and a vassal?

Davis – SVHS – Chapter 13 European Middle Ages

Question Answer
What was the bargain made between a lord and a vassal? the lord would grant the vassal land in exchange for military service
According to the code of chivalry, a knight fought for who? his feudal lord, his heavenly lord, and his lady

Why was the spread of vernacular language important?

Technological advances, which helped spread vernacular language and lead to increased literacy rates were essential. However, the women, who wanted to take part in cultural debates, but who were limited in their educational aspirations, also played an important part in the rise of vernacular language.

How did vernacular language lead to the Reformation?

One of the main points that lead to the Reformation was the debate about whether or not religious services should be held in vernacular over Latin. Since vernacular language made it easier to convert people to Christianity, it was eventually used over Latin.

What did vernacular literature have in common with Latin literature?

Vernacular literatures tended to include more romance and sensuality than the Latin literature of the period, while still maintaining the moral and ethical emphasis evident in the Latin literature. Divine Comedy.

Who was an active audience for vernacular literature?

Nonetheless, females constituted an active audience for the growing number of works published in the vernacular, or native spoken language of the region. Writing for an Audience.

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