
How do you respond when not sure?

How do you respond when not sure?

What to Say When You Know But You are Not Sure

  1. As Far As I Know! This is a very useful term.
  2. To The Best of My Knowledge! This phrase works in the same way as “as far as I know” but it is a lot more formal.
  3. Correct Me if I’m Wrong… This is a different type of phrase.
  4. I thought… This is a very useful phrase.

How do you politely decline an answering question?

From politely declining, to giving information you are willing to share, here are nine ways to address a question you don’t want to answer.

  1. Make Sure You Understand The Question.
  2. Take Time To Respond.
  3. Answer Part Of The Question.
  4. Postpone Your Answer.
  5. Turn Around the Pronouns.
  6. Divert The Question.
  7. Give The Asker Some Control.

How do you respond to an intrusive question?

10 assertive tips on dealing with nosy questions

  1. Go with your gut.
  2. Don’t be rude back.
  3. Use “I” statements.
  4. Find out more if appropriate.
  5. Say how you feel about being asked or about giving the information.
  6. Depersonalise your answer.
  7. Express your feelings if you want to.
  8. Move them on.

Do I know you best reply?

A reasonable reply would be, “No, I don’t think so. My name is …… Where do you think you know me from?” By offering your name you are creating an opening to continue a conversation without being dismissive. There are almost endless other variations of how to respond depending on the context of the situation.

Is it better to guess or leave blank on ACT?

There is no penalty for guessing on the ACT. Never, ever, ever, leave any answers blank. You have a 25% chance of getting the question right if you guess. So at the very least, always guess!

How do you politely refuse to answer a question?

  1. “I’m sorry, but it’s personal.”
  2. “I don’t know, sorry.”
  3. “I’m not able to answer that question, sorry.”
  4. “I’m not comfortable answering this question, sorry.”

The misterious answer: “Yes, and I know you very much as well” The Casanova answer: “If you did, you wouldn’t have forgotten” The evasive polite answer: “Sorry, you got the wrong person”

There is no penalty for guessing on the ACT. Never, ever, ever, leave any answers blank. You have a 25% chance of getting the question right if you guess. The only guess letter you don’t want to use when you are completely guessing is E or K because they only show up on the math test.

How to respond to a question you really don’t know?

Make Sure You Understand The Question People are not always exact or clear about their language, and it’s easy to assume what you think they’re asking, says Jay Sullivan, author of Simply Said: Communicating Better At Work And Beyond. “The first thing to do is clarify the question,” he says.

What’s the best way to refuse to answer a question?

Watch Your Tone. You can also refuse to answer the question, but be sure to be polite. “Say, ‘I appreciate that this is of interest but we don’t feel sharing the information is appropriate, especially at this time. But I’d be glad to answer other questions if you have them,’” says Sullivan.

What’s the difference between a good answer and a better answer?

The difference between giving a good answer and a better answer could simply be your use of pronouns, says Sullivan. “Focus on other people,” he says. “You can say, ‘It’s interesting that you think that,’ for example. ‘Why is this question of interest to you?’ Changing ‘I’ to ‘you’ can take the focus off of you.” 6. Divert The Question

What does ” have not received a reply ” mean?

“Have not received a reply” is to call someone to task as if you were the boss of that person and you are discussing performance expectations. to my email beneath.

Can you answer a question you don’t know the answer to?

No matter what your job or level, your work life is always throwing questions at you. Some of them are easy to answer with a confident “yes,” “no,” or a well-reasoned explanation. Others aren’t. Most of the time it’s no big deal when you don’t have a solid answer right away.

What happens if you answer a question on the spot?

However, coming up with something on the spot can easily come back to bite you. A quick, not necessarily accurate answer is only likely to lead to further questions (and you becoming less and less sure of the answers) or your students memorising everything you say only for you to have to sort out any errors at a later date.

Watch Your Tone. You can also refuse to answer the question, but be sure to be polite. “Say, ‘I appreciate that this is of interest but we don’t feel sharing the information is appropriate, especially at this time. But I’d be glad to answer other questions if you have them,’” says Sullivan.

When do you Say No to a question?

If the topic is deeply personal, complicated, emotional, or inappropriate for the setting, you can confidently tell the other person that you don’t want to answer the question. In fact, you can always say “no” to answering questions that make you feel uncomfortable.

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