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How do you start a debate greeting?

How do you start a debate greeting?

Greet your audience by saying, “Good morning faculty and staff. The topic of today’s debate is student parking,” or “Good morning teachers and students. Thank you for taking the time to come to this debate. Today, the topic is student parking.”

How do you introduce yourself in a debate competition?


  1. Start by greeting your judges, teachers and the audience.
  2. Say good morning or good evening sir/madam. Never say good night at late hours.
  3. Mention the topic you are going to speak for/against.
  4. Do say have a nice day or thank you for letting me share my thoughts/opinion on the topic/matter.

What words do you use in a debate?

Conceding an argument

  • It’s true/obvious/evident that However.
  • While you might say that …, it’s important to remember that …
  • I agree with you that On the other hand.
  • Although/even though it is true that…
  • I agree/admit/concede that… , but we must remember that…
  • I can understand that…

    How do you greet in a debate in Nigeria?

    Another feature of the Nigerian Debate Format is the popular greeting style, which took most of the speakers’ allocated time – “Good day Mr. Moderator, Panel of (impartial) judges, accurate time keeper, my co-debaters and audience.

    How do you greet in a debate example?

    “Good afternoon, honourable adjudicators, members of the opposing team, chairlady and audience. I’m the Captain of the affirmative side. Today, our motion is ______________.” This is the standard greeting.

    What should I say at the end of a debate?

    Concluding the Debate Speech. Write a strong conclusion. At the end, you should reiterate your overall stance on the topic to reinforce your position. It’s a good idea to conclude with your intention to do something and with a strong appeal for action as well.

    What is a debate topic *?

    The debate topic ( paksa ng debate ) are two debating about one topic. One person speaks for the topic while the other person speak against the topic. Debate Topic is a friendly argument.

    How do you start a debate example?

    Opening the debate:

    1. [a nice opening is using a quote]
    2. Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to this debate.
    3. Welcome from this side of the house…
    4. The motion for debate today is: …
    5. Now we as today’s proposition/opposition strongly believe that this is true/not true.
    6. let us first define some important terms in this debate.

    What is the greeting in debate?

    Debating is an art of confidently trying to prove your assertions regarding for or against a topic. ‘ Good evening respected judges, my worthy opponents, faculty members and audience , I (NAME) hereby humbly express my thanks for your interest in the (SUBJECT ).

    How do you start a speech with Allah?

    Best Commencement or Opening Lines For Speech in English

    1. To start with the greatest name of Almighty Allah.
    2. To start with the greatest name of Almighty Allah.
    3. O Allah the Almighty protect me and guide me to your love and mercy.

    2. Introduction – Introducing you to the audience is the first step when starting a debate. Therefore, the introduction should be made in a clear and firm voice so that audience can hear you and can know about the topic of debate.

    How do you end a debate greeting?

    As you approach the end of your talk, say something like, “Let me briefly restate these main points…” You then list your key points, one by one, and repeat them to the audience, showing how each of them links to the other points. Audiences appreciate a linear repetition of what they have just heard.

    How do you start a debate introduction example?

    What are the techniques of debating?

    The 10 best debating tips and techniques are:

    • Preparation of your topic.
    • Stay on topic.
    • Speak slowly, clearly and charismatically.
    • Be confident with your topic.
    • Think about your body language and what it’s saying to your audience.
    • Listen and take notes.
    • Anticipate your opponent’s questions before they’re uttered.

    Can you suggest few greeting lines for debate?

    Telling a captivating story related to the topic is one of them. You can even use a rhetorical question or a powerful quote. After this, you can move on to acknowledging the judges, the members of the audience and your counterpart. “Good afternoon, honourable adjudicators, members of the opposing team, chairlady and audience.

    Which is the best definition of the art of debating?

    Debating is an art of confidently trying to prove your assertions regarding for or against a topic. ‘ Good evening respected judges, my worthy opponents, faculty members and audience , I (NAME) hereby humbly express my thanks for your interest in the (SUBJECT ).

    When is the best time to start a debate?

    However, audiences judge you in the first 30-45 seconds itself. So starting out well, in most cases, is all that matters. There are many ways in which you can great the audience. Telling a captivating story related to the topic is one of them. You can even use a rhetorical question or a powerful quote.

    Where do people in Thailand put their hands to greet each other?

    ‘Thai Wai’ is the beautiful greeting custom practiced in Thailand where people greet each other by putting their palms together. In this greeting, the fingers of both hands are touching their counterparts and the attached palms are put in the middle of the chest, and when making a slight bow the index finger of both hands touches the nose.

    Telling a captivating story related to the topic is one of them. You can even use a rhetorical question or a powerful quote. After this, you can move on to acknowledging the judges, the members of the audience and your counterpart. “Good afternoon, honourable adjudicators, members of the opposing team, chairlady and audience.

    When to use ” how do you do ” as a greeting?

    If used as a formal greeting, sometimes “How do you do” is, strangely, used as a statement rather than a question. This most often happens when shaking hands with someone for the first time. It is easy to hear if this is the case: there will be no inflection at the end of the sentence.

    Debating is an art of confidently trying to prove your assertions regarding for or against a topic. ‘ Good evening respected judges, my worthy opponents, faculty members and audience , I (NAME) hereby humbly express my thanks for your interest in the (SUBJECT ).

    However, audiences judge you in the first 30-45 seconds itself. So starting out well, in most cases, is all that matters. There are many ways in which you can great the audience. Telling a captivating story related to the topic is one of them. You can even use a rhetorical question or a powerful quote.

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