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How does God comfort us in the midst of suffering?

How does God comfort us in the midst of suffering?

Jesus is sympathetic to our suffering, and He helps us by giving us the Holy Spirit, and by promising us forgiveness and resurrection. The promises of God in Christ are key to enduring suffering.

How does God help us through hard times?

When trusting the Lord in difficult times, go to the promises of God. God’s Word is loaded with promises that teach us about having faith in God during hard times. He tells us to not worry, to pray and He will give us peace like you can’t imagine. He tells us that He is there with us, in the trenches.

What did Jesus say was the reason for human suffering?

What did Jesus say was the reason for human suffering? Sin, we cause our own suffering bc of our actions sometimes, to bring us closer to God, and so the works of God can be seen through us or…. Healed the lepers:Jesus stretched out his hand and touched the leper and said,”I do will it.

What is purpose of suffering?

Suffering can make us more resilient, better able to endure hardships. Just as a muscle, in order to build up, must endure some pain, so our emotions must endure pain in order to strengthen.

What did Paul say about suffering?

And then the real suffering began. Here is what Paul said in Philippians about his life: “Indeed, I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For his sake, I have suffered the loss of all things and count them as rubbish, in order that I may gain Christ…” Phil.

What is the best way to comfort for those who suffering?

How Do We Comfort Someone?

  1. 1. “ Witness their feelings”
  2. Affirm that their feelings make sense.
  3. Draw out their feelings inorder to better understand what they feel.
  4. Don’t minimize their pain or focus only on cheering them up.
  5. Offer physical affection if appropriate.
  6. Affirm your support and commitment.

What is the purpose of suffering in life?

Why do you come to God during times of difficulties?

Faith in God brings comfort and cheer, even in the midst of stress and crushing difficulties. Faith is what helps us trust God in difficult times. To see difficulty the way God does, we need Bible verses for hard times we can hold on to.

What God says about struggles?

Joshua 1:9 Be strong and courageous; do not be frightened or dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go. Deuteronomy 31:6,8 Be strong and bold; have no fear or dread of them, because it is the Lord your God who goes before you. He will be with you; he will not fail you or forsake you.

What can suffering teach us?

What does the Bible say about joy in suffering?

Bible Verses about Joy and Suffering They often go hand in hand which feels like a contradiction. But rejoice inasmuch as you participate in the sufferings of Christ, so that you may be overjoyed when his glory is revealed. 1 Peter 4:12-13. Peter instructs us to not only accept this suffering, but to rejoice in it.

What does Salvifici Doloris say about suffering?

His 1984 Apostolic Letter “Salvifici Doloris” (On the Christian Meaning of Human Suffering) clearly expounds the dignity and the salvic power of suffering. Suffering evokes compassion; it also evokes respect and in its own way it intimidates. For in suffering is contained the greatness of a specific mystery.

How do you comfort someone?

How do you comfort a sad friend?

How to Comfort Someone Who’s Sad/Crying

  1. “Witness” their feelings.
  2. Affirm that their feelings make sense.
  3. Show the person you understand their feelings, and facilitate the deepening of his or her own understanding of them.
  4. Don’t minimize their pain or try to cheer them up.
  5. Offer physical affection if appropriate.

Does suffering make you stronger?

It builds our resilience and makes us emotionally stronger. During tough times, we feel weak and vulnerable with little self worth, but when we work through those tough times it makes us prepared for the next battle in our lives.

What does God say about struggles?

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