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How many Ismaili Muslims are there in the world?

How many Ismaili Muslims are there in the world?

15 million people
How many Ismailis are there and where are they? They say they have a population of about 15 million people worldwide, including 500,000 in Pakistan. There are also large populations in India, Afghanistan and Africa.

Does Ismailis go to Mecca?

There are two pilgrimages, Hajj-i-Zahiri and Hajj-i-Batini. The first is the visit to Mecca; the second, being in the presence of the Imam. The Musta’lī also maintain the practice of going to Mecca. The Druze interpret this completely metaphorically as “fleeing from devils and oppressors” and rarely go to Mecca.

Why do Ismailis pray 3 times?

As such, the Aga Khan’s proclamations (to Ismailis) amount to authoritative interpretations of Islamic faith. Being endowed with “absolute & unfettered power and authority”, if the Aga Khan declares that Ismailis should pray three times per day, then that’s what is required of the faithful.

Is Imam a God?

Especially in more traditional communities, there’s a consensus that the Imam is an incarnated God, not unlike the Catholic perception of Jesus.

Do Ismailis believe Aga Khan is God?

First of all, Ismailis do NOT consider The Aga Khan as a living God. They consider The Aga Khan as their Spiritual Leader -Religious Leader- There is only ONE God in Islam. All Muslims believe in One God- Allah. The Aga Khan is only an Imam in Ismaili Religion where as Allah is their God.

How many Muslims are Ismaili in America?

3.45 million Muslims
Ismaili Muslims represent a small slice of Islam worldwide. We constitute about 20 million of the 1.8 billion Muslims. The Pew Research Center estimates there are 3.45 million Muslims in the U.S., of which the Ismaili Muslim community in Texas numbers around 40,000.

How many Ismaili Centres are there?

There are six such buildings around the world, in London, Lisbon, Dubai, Dushanbe, Burnaby, and Toronto. Each building is unique both in architectural style as well as functionality. This photo essay depicts the beauty of these buildings, with quotes by Mawlana Hazar Imam on their function and importance.

Are there any Ismailis in Iran?

Ismailis in Iran are, in fact, a sub-branch of the Shiite Muslims who are known by various names like Ismailis, Bateni, Qermati, Saba’ie, etc. The point of diversion between them and 12-Imam Shiite branch (the dominant branch in Iran) began after the 6th Imam, Jafar-e-Sadeq.

Where does the Ismaili community live in the world?

The Shia form one of the two major interpretations of Islam, the Sunni being the other. The Ismailis live in over 25 different countries, mainly in Central and South Asia, Africa, the Middle East, Europe, North America and Australia, and number approximately 12 to 15 million.

Who is the largest Ismaili group in the world?

Though there are several paths ( tariqat) within Ismailism, the term in today’s vernacular generally refers to the Nizaris, who recognize Aga Khan IV as the 49th hereditary Imam and are the largest Ismaili group.

What’s the population of the Ismaili people in Pakistan?

They say they have a population of about 15 million people worldwide, including 500,000 in Pakistan. There are also large populations in India, Afghanistan and Africa. How do they live? In Pakistan, the Ismaili urban population is mostly concentrated in Karachi.

Where are the Nizari Ismaili Centres in the world?

Nizari Ismaili Centres around the world[edit] Since the foundation of the Ismaili Centre, London— the first such Centre in the Western world — was laid in 1979,[5]another four Centres opened in Burnaby (Vancouver)(1985), Lisbon(1998), Dubai(2008), and Dushanbe(2009).[6]

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