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How many times in the Bible does God say come?

How many times in the Bible does God say come?

The phrase “and God said” appears twelve times in the Bible (New King James Version). I just did a quick search on my Bible app and this is what came up. The phrase “and God said” appears twelve times in the Bible (New King James Version).

What name only appears 4 times in the Bible?

The word “Antichrist” appears only four times in the Bible.

How do we come to God?


  1. Get quiet.
  2. Read your bible.
  3. Write out your prayers in a dedicated notebook; these can be for others or yourself.
  4. Go for a walk and talk with God.
  5. Meditate on Scripture.
  6. Put on some worship music and immerse yourself in the melody and lyrics.
  7. Marvel at the world God has created.

How many times is the word created in the Bible?

The word ‘created’ is used 7 times describing God’s creative work (Genesis 1:1, 21, 27 three times; 2:3; 2:4). There are 7 days in a week and God’s Sabbath is on the 7th day. The Bible, as a whole, was originally divided into 7 major divisions.

How many times does the number 7 appear in the Bible?

Used 735 times (54 times in the book of Revelation alone), the number 7 is the foundation of God’s word. If we include with this count how many times ‘sevenfold’ (6) and ‘seventh’ (119) is used, our total jumps to 860 references.

How often does the number three appear in the Bible?

The Use Of Three In The Bible It should be noted at the outset that the biblical authors’ use of the number three is abundantly attested. Indeed, the number three or its compounds occurs hundreds of times. The number three appears often in measurements of time as well.

What does the Bible say about using time?

Bible Verses About Time. God’s Word advises us to use our time wisely because He knows that there are many things in life that can distract us from what truly matters. Do not waste your time so that you look back with regret – you do not know what tomorrow holds!

How many times does the word in Christ appear in the Bible?

The term “in Christ”, “in Him” is used 70 times in the New Testament. To list all the references would he hard but I will tell you tha Paul used the Phrase in most of his writing and you will find it in Ephesians and Colossians a great deal.

Bible Verses About Time. God’s Word advises us to use our time wisely because He knows that there are many things in life that can distract us from what truly matters. Do not waste your time so that you look back with regret – you do not know what tomorrow holds!

How many times is fasting mentioned in the Bible?

Fasting is mentioned over 70 times throughout Scripture. In the Old Testament, there were two types of fasting: public and private. Both types offer great spiritual benefits. Through many examples of people in the Bible who fasted, we can know that God grants supernatural revelation and wisdom through this practice.

How many times does the word grace appear in the Bible?

Teaching that salvation comes thru grace or faith is false – pure occult deception. I have an MS Word version of the King James version and it says the word “grace” appears 171 times. It seems to be obsessed with the word “seven” too.

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