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How was Zoroastrianism different from religions that came before it?

How was Zoroastrianism different from religions that came before it?

Zoroastrianism contains both monotheistic and dualistic features. It likely influenced the other major Western religions—Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.

Which of the following describes a difference between Zoroastrianism and the Vedic religion?

Which of the following best describes the differences between Zoroastrianism and the Vedic Religion? A. Zoroastrianism had more than one founder, but the Vedic religion was founded by one person. Zoroastrianism is monotheistic, but the Vedic religion is polytheistic.

Which of the following describes a difference between Judaism and the Vedic religion?

I’m happy to help! The correct answer is D. Followers of Judaism recorded their laws and history in the Torah, whereas followers of the Vedic religion use the Vedas for spiritual guidance.

Who is the God of Zoroastrianism?

Ahura Mazdā
Ahura Mazdā, (Avestan: “Wise Lord”) also spelled Ormizd or Ormazd, supreme god in ancient Iranian religion, especially Zoroastrianism, the religious system of the Iranian prophet Zarathustra (c. 6th century bce; Greek name Zoroaster).

Which is older Hinduism or Zoroastrianism?

Hinduism in not as old, with roots stretching back to 5000–6000 years, whereas Zoroastrianism dates back to more than 8000 years. Originally Answered: Which one is the oldest religion Hinduism or Zoroastrianism? If you go with the new concept of Zoroastrianism, then the answer is Hinduism is the oldest.

How is Zoroastrianism different from Hinduism?

In terms of differences, Zoroastrianism is a religion boasting a God, a prophet, and a Holy book, while Hinduism lacks all these features. Instead of reincarnation and rebirth, Zoroastrianism, like Abrahamic religions, believes in the afterlife.

Which of the following is where the Vedic religion originated?

Vedic religion, also called Vedism, the religion of the ancient Indo-European-speaking peoples who entered India about 1500 bce from the region of present-day Iran. It takes its name from the collections of sacred texts known as the Vedas.

Who is the god of Zoroastrians?

Ahura Mazda
This religion was likely similar to early forms of Hinduism. According to Zoroastrian tradition, Zoroaster had a divine vision of a supreme being while partaking in a pagan purification rite at age 30. Zoroaster began teaching followers to worship a single god called Ahura Mazda.

What is one major difference between Judaism and Zoroastrianism?

One of the most important differences beween Jewish monotheism and Zoroastrian monotheism is that Jews recognize the one God as the source of both good and evil, light and darkness, while Zoroastrians, during all the phases of their long theological history, think of God only as the source of Good, with Evil as a …

Who is the god of Zoroastrianism?

Hinduism in not as old, with roots stretching back to 5000–6000 years, whereas Zoroastrianism dates back to more than 8000 years.

How did Judaism differ from other religions of ancient times?

How Did Judaism Differ From Other Religions Of Ancient Times? The key difference between Judaism and the other religions of the ancient times is the it thought that there was one God for all people. In other words, Judaism was the first monotheistic religion. Although, it has its roots in the polytheistic Ancient Semitic Religions.

Which is the second oldest religion in the world?

– Judaism is the second oldest religion in the world that is still practiced. Therefore, it knows a vast history. Judaism is thousands of years old. Having its roots in the 18 th century BC. Which makes it about 3800 years old. But how did it appear and how did it become so different from the other religions of its time?

Who was the father of the Jewish religion?

Judaism’s true origins are traced back to Abraham. Hence, Judaism is an Abrahamic Religion. Abraham, the prophet is the father of all Jews. The prophet founded the patriarch of Israelites, Ishmaelites and Edomites.

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